Second Valentine - Lousim

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Louis x Aasim is the best rare pair next to Lousim/Mitsim (Louis, Aasim, and Mitch).
Also fun fact: the creators were going to have Aasim be bi and have a crush on Louis instead, but they scrapped the idea

Louis sighed sadly as he began making his way towards his house. He had plans to take someone, Clementine, out for Valentine's Day, but she never showed. He'd waited an hour and a half before giving up.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He reached down and grabbed it, seeing a text from Aasim. He opened his phone and looked at the message.

Nerd (with love): Hey, how's it going?

Louis took a few seconds before responding

Musical Dumbass: She never showed.

Nerd (with love): What? Did she call it anything

Musical Dumbass: Nope.

Nerd (with love): Where are you? I'm coming to get you?

Musical Dumbass: Why?

Nerd (with love): Because. Now where are you?

Musical Dumbass: Right outside the park. North side.

Nerd (with love): I'll be there in a few.

Louis slid his phone back into his pocket, glancing around. He went and sat on a bench, looking at a pond ahead of him.

It didn't take long for Aasim to pull up. He parked at the curb and honked the horn, making Louis, who was spacing out, jump slightly. He looked over and stood up, heading towards the car.

Aasim looked up at him, "Cmon, get in."

Louis slid into the passengers side, putting on his seatbelts as Aasim began to drive downtown. The two stayed quiet, Aasim focusing on the road and Louis not having anything to say.

Aasim pulled into a parking space in the middle of town. The two got out and glanced around.

It was around 6pm, so it was still daylight, but it was getting dark quickly. Aasim took Louis's hand and began dragging him away, shocking Louis.

Aasim never really acted like this. He would always plan things first, not just jump up and go out.

He led Louis to a small cafe, which made Louis even more confused. As they sat down inside and got situated, Louis looked up, "So...what's this for?"

Aasim was caught off guard by the question. He blushed slightly and looked at the table, "Since Clem ditched you... I figured that I could take you somewhere. Get your mind off of it."

Louis blinked, then smiles lightly, staying quiet. He couldn't come up with anything else to say.

The two sat in silence until their drinks came. Once the waiter had left, Aasim looked back up at Louis, "What do you want to do after this? No limits."

Louis thought for a few seconds, "Can we just hang out at my place? Watch a movie or two?"

Aasim smiled slightly, "Of course. You'll have to remind me where it is though. I never go over there."

Louis smiled as well, glancing down at the table, "Yeah. Typically I'm the one bumming a ride to your house."

"Even though you have a car and license."

"That's beside the point."

The two continued to talk for another hour or so before deciding to leave. The two had a small spat about the bill, but eventually agreed to split it.

As the two walked back towards Aasim's car, Louis grinned, "Its still not fair that you paid any of that. I could've handled it."

"You got stood up today. Be happy I didn't show up in a suit and drug you to some fancy Italian place."

Louis got into the car, laughing quietly. Aasim started the drive to Louis's house, following Louis's directions.

They soon arrived and got out, quickly heading inside. Neither of them has a jacket, and it was February.

Aasim shivered as Louis closed the door, letting out a short sigh. They went and sat on the couch, Louis grabbing a blanket for them to share.

Aasim glanced around. No matter how much money Louis had, you'd never know. He had your average two-story house and just enough decoration to make the place give off a cozy vibe, but not enough to make the place look expensive. The most expensive thing in Louis's house was his piano, which he cherished.

Louis soon stood up and went to a cabinet, searching through movies. He glanced over at Aasim, "Anythig specific you want to watch?"


Louis shrugged and pulled out a case. He slid the disk into the DVD player and hit play, going back over to the couch.

Aasim brought his knees to his chest as Louis got back under the blanket. As the movie progressed, Aasim could feel himself starting to doze off.

Unable to hold his body up anymore, he slid over, leaning against Louis. He suppressed a hum as he felt the warmth from the other male, relaxing slightly.

Louis had tensed a bit as Aasim had fallen on him, but soon wrapped an arm around him, biting back a smile. As Aasim fell asleep, Louis shifted their positions. Aasim was now on top of him as Louis laid across the couch.

Louis couldn't help but press a quick kiss to the male's forehead, slowly starting to fall asleep as well.

If there are any errors, please let me know. Next one should be Female!reader x Mitch :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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