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(Ok here we go. Requests are allowed)
(AU where Clem gets kidnapped instead of Louis/violet)

Fuck. No no no no no. She didn't. I sit on the ground and start to cry. Clem didn't do that, she's inside, right? I wish I could avoid the truth. After she saved Violet she..... ugh.
Clem shoots the man who's taking Violet. Vi runs inside and Clem runs over to me. She grabs the guy who was taking me and punches him. He overpowers her and throws her in the back of the wagon. All I could do was watch this happen. I coukdnt do anything else.
(Flashback end)

I couldnt do anything else. I highly doubt that. Violet taps my shoulder, "Louis, if we want her back, we have to go now." I nod and stand up. Vi smiles at me and we walk to AJ and James, who are outside the gate. AJ convinced James to help us, since its Clem.

CLEMS POV (1 hour timeskip)

I take another kick to the face and Minerva leaves. I hear Assim from the cell across from me, "Clem, are you alright?!" I sigh and shakily stand up, "Y-yeah I'm fine Assim." I hear a sigh from Omar, "Thank god..." I take my nail file that Jane gave me (way back when) out of my pocket and continue to cut the metal at the bottom of the door. I hear a door open and Assim runs to my door, opening it, "Clem! Clem look who's here!" I walk into the hallway to see none other than, "James?" He smiles, "Yeah. Louis, I think his name was, is helping the others with the guards. Hes pretty beaten up over your disappearance." I sigh and smile, "Sounds like the Louis I know.." We run and make it up to the top deck. Lily is, already dead? Damn I wanted to do that.

I hop over her body and see Violet and Minerva. Minnie has a gun pointed at Vi. My eyes widen at the scene. James takes out a gun, and someone shoots Minnie. Louis runs out from around a corner. I whistle and Vi and Louis turn around. Hi smiles widely and Louis runs to me. He puts his arms around me in a hug, "You're alive! Oh my god are you okay?" He pulls away. I nod, "Apart my face being as numb as a wood board from Minnie's boot yeah I'm good." He runs his thumb over one of my bruises, "We'll fix these later, we've gotta go." I nod and Vi leads us to a life raft. We all climb in and Vi drops the boat into the walker infested water.

We make it to shore and start running. Eventually, we come across a cave. AJ slips in first, then Assim, Omar, Louis, James, and me. We run away from the entrance and stop, trying to steady our breathing. I walk to Louis after catching my breath, "You alright?" He lookd down at me and nods, "Yep! I'm fine. But you" he looks at the bruises "are a little worse off." I playfully shove him and walk to the cave wall, sitting down. He follows and puts an arm around me. I missed this, feeling like its just Louis and I. I smile, "If lean on you, if your coat wasnt covered in my enemie's blood." He laughs and takes his coat off. I lay my head on his shoulder and finally relax.

(Timeskip 5 days *clem has 1 leg rn*)


I help Clem up the stairs and give her crutches back to her. She takes them and starts walking. I feel myself tearing up, "Clem. I was so fucking scared that I had lost you. AJ brought you back and......I just-" I let out a sob. Clem leads me into her room, sitting on the bed. I follow and she hugs me, "I'm fine. I told you I won't (666th word is: won't) leave you, and I dont plan on leaving." Shs kisses my forehead and continues to tell me that she won't leave. We both know its a lie, but we ignore that fact as we fall asleep next to eachother. We all know,

That everyone dies in the end. And theres no delaying the inevitable.

How was that? Bad, good? Eh? Leave requests either in the comments or you can message me. Meantime, ill think of some other ideas.

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