puppies and bands pt.2

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Howdy y'all. Uh, im going to be using Panic at the disco inztead of putting (f/b). Its easier and I wont need up as much. Sorry if u dont like P!ATD. 🐢


Its been a week, and the concert is tomorrow. Did I forget to mention that the concert it in Kentucky? We live in West Virginia, so it shouldnt take too long to get there. We're getting a hotel room and staying until the day after the concert. Im so excited! (A/N UR NONBINARY. SORRY IF I PUT SHE OR HE. IGNORE IT. THX.) I get off of my bed and grab a suitcase, filling it with clothes and other necessities. Once I'm finished with that, I grab a grocery bag and run downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and fill the bag with snacks. I run back upstairs and throw the bag on my bed by the suitcase. I grab my charger and stuff it in the suitcase. Lee yells up the steps, "Its time to get Y/N, Clem. Are you ready?" I grab my stuff, "Yeah!" I walk down the steps and out to the truck. I throw my stuff in the very back, making sure I have the snacks on me, and climb into the back, while Carley and Lee get up front, Carley driving. Lee would drive, but he had lost his arm a month or so back because of a failed surgery. She starts the car and starts driving towrds Y/N's.


I sigh as I grab my bag, setting it beside me. I was on the porch, waiting for Clem. My mother told me to wait out here. The only reason she let me go is because she didn't want to see me. Which is rude, but I've learned to live with her. She sucks though. A few minutes later, Carley's truck pulls up. I look at my mom through the window and flip her off before throwing my bags with Clem's and getting in the back. Take that, you son of a whore.

*Time skipppppp to the hotel the next morning cuz I'm doing a lazy*

(Still ur pov)

I smack the alarm clock as it goes off. The concert is a 5pm, and Lee and Carley wanted to take us some places before it, so we had to get up. I throw the blanket off of me and grab some clothes, going into the bathroom. I knew Clem was up because i heard her as I went into the bathroom. I changed into black shorts that go to my knees and a (f/c) shirt that went with well with my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I brush my hair and walk out of the bathroom, seeing Clem almost ready. She walks into the bathroom to brush her hair, and tells me to wait outside of the room. I grab my phone, earbuds, and ticket before walking into the hallway. Lee and Carley come out after me, and Clem appears a few minutes later. We walk to the lobby and out to the truck. Carley takes us to Bob Evans for breakfast. After that they take us to this park. It has a small wall that goes up to my waist, and guards people from falling down a huge hill. Clem and I sit on the wall for a while, talking every now and then, before Lee says its time to go to the concert. We get into the truck (I almost put van fuck-) and drive off.

CLEMS POV (at the concert)

This is it! Y/N and I were able to get a spot by the stage. As the concert started, (our lord and savior-) Brendon came onto the stage, "Thank you all for being here tonight. There are a lot of you guys out there and I couldn't be more thankful. But enough of that, let's get started!" The crowd, including us, cheers as the guys in the back start playing the tune for "Dont threaten me with a good time". Y/N looks at me and smiles, and I cant help but blush. After that, I just zone out while looking at them, trying to restrain myself. After a while of staring, they look at me, "Clem, its your favorite song- are you okay?" I snap out of it, "Yup!" She was right, my favorite song, "Hey look ma I made it" was playing. I smile and mouth the lyrics. I look back over at Y/n. I'm just gonna do it. I tap thier shoulder. They look over. I sigh and kiss her cheek. I look at them as they look at me. They smile, "Aw. I think that was my favorite part of the concert." I smile back and we look up at the stage once again.

That's all I can muster today. I'm tired. Its 2pm and I'm already done. If u have any requests, plz comment! Also, sorry for being gone for a while. Bye

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