James x reader (platonic)

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Your POV

I glance back at the walkers following me. I move through the trees as the group of walkers gets closer. I start to panic, this could very well be the end of my life!

I glance around. Theres nothing around, so I keep running. After running for a good 5 minutes, I gain the courage to turn around. I couldnt see the walkers, yet I could see the dust they were kicking up. Either I'm not a fast runner, or those are some fast walkers.

I turn back around and find myself faced with a miniature camp. There were logs set up and a small dying fire in the middle. Something taps my shoulder and i jump, turning around with my sharpened stick ready to go.

A man looks at me, slightly frightened, "Im not gonna hurt you. Just put the stick down.." I slowly lower the stick and drop it. The man turns around and looks at the walkers that were behind me. I cower behimd him as he throws a rock behind the group.

The walkers leave as I look up at him, "That was smart.. Who are you?" He looks around, "Its been a while....im James.." I tilt my head, "I'm Y/n. Why are you set up in the woods? There's other places better than this.." James nods, "Theres a school somewhere around here, but the leader and I have history. Not bad, but not good."

I nod, thats understandable. "So.... What did you or they do?" I ask. James looks down, "Her name is Clementine, she has this boy with her, Aj.. Aj was going to become a killer, I could tell. I tried to warn Clem, but it was too late. Aj had put half a case of bullets through a woman. I tried to take Aj so I could show him that killing isnt fun. Clam didnt like that, so we fought. Eventually, she convinced Aj that killing isnt fun..."

He took a breath, "We we're stuck in a cave at that time. We looked for an exit, but walkers were coming out of one of the exits. I told them to run while I pulled out my knife. I havent seen her since.."

I nod, "Maybe, we could go see her sometime, if you'd like me to stick around that is." James smiled and nodded, "Yeah, id like that.."

Now, after a few months, we were coming back from visiting her. The visit went well. Clem told me about herself and Aj. It was all great.

I sat on a log that was set on the ground. James sat across the fire from me. In the short while that we had been out here together, he taught me to distract walkers instead of killing them. He also made me a mask and gloves like his, just in case.

He starts poking at the fire, "So.. What's your story? I don't think ive heard it." I shrug, "Well.. My family died pretty early. I kinda lived on the roof of this hospital a few towns away. A herd rolled through, bringing a few survivors with them. They weren't friendly. They chased me off. When you met me a while back, the walkers chasing me were part of the herd. I had been running from them for a while."

He nods, "That had to have sucked." I nod, "It really did." James smiles, "Y'know.. Maybe we'll last a while." I smile, "Maybe.. How about we go with Clem and them?" He shrugs, "I guess im not ready.." I nod, "Alright.. No pressure."




"You're not going to leave me alone, right?"

"Wouldn't dream of it buddy."

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