6. Land

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As they passed onto the deck to get to the Captain's Quarters, Caspian called out, "Drinian!" The captain looked up and instantly followed behind. Letting go of Helena, Caspian went to a drawer and drew out a beautiful map. Helena smiled as she saw that it was a map of Narnia.

Trailing her fingers over the inked in detailing, Lena smiled as she said, "So this is your country."

"Yes," Caspian replied. Glancing up, she saw the glow of pride in his face and affection in his eyes. Glancing at Edmund and Lucy, he explained, "Since you left us, the Giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally. And then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There's peace across all of Narnia."

"Peace?" Edmund repeated.

"In just three years," Caspian affirmed.

"And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?" Lucy asked, sending a quick glance over at Helena who was obliviously studying the map.

"No," he admitted with a slight smile. Lucy sent a pleased look towards Helena. "Not one to compare with your sister, Susan." Lucy's smile became fixed. She loved Susan, very dearly, but it always seemed everyone was in love with her. Helena had never had time for men as she was nearly always at rehearsals or practising. "But who knows what the tide may wash in," Caspian added, causing Lucy to let out a laugh. She quickly covered it with a cough, although her smile remained.

"Hang on, so if there are no wars to fight and no one's in trouble, then why are we here?" Edmund asked, tired of the romance talk.

"That's a good question," Caspian said. "I've been asking myself the same thing."

"Well," Helena said meekly, cutting into their thoughts. "I hope I'm not overstepping, but perhaps it is because there is something to come, not that it is already here."

"Best not think about that, Lena," Edmund said.

Frowning, she asked, "Why not? Sure it's a bit more of a glass-half-empty look, but it's better to expect the worse and hope for the best than to just naively expect everything to go well."

"So, where are we sailing to?" Edmund asked, ignoring his sister. Helena rolled her eyes.

"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters, the seven lords of Telmar. They fled to the Lone Islands," he explained, pointing out the small cluster on the map as he spoke. "No one's heard from them since."

"So you think something's happened to them?" Edmund asked.

"Well, if there has, it's my duty to find out," Caspian said.

Running her hand over the map, Lucy asked, "Well, what's east of the Lone Islands?"

"Uncharted waters," Drinian explained. "Things you could barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse."

"There are sea serpents?" Helena said in surprise, looking between them all with wide eyes.

Throwing the captain a slightly amused glare, Caspian chided, "All right, Captain, that's enough of your tall tales."

"But are there sea serpents?" Helena asked.

"It is just a legend," Caspian assured. 

"Let's hope so," Helena replied with a good-natured laugh. Caspian smiled. "So are the swords just for show or can you actually use one?" 

"Of course he can, Lena," Edmund said irritably. 

Raising an eyebrow challengingly, she suggested, "Fancy a spar then?" 

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