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After Helena had changed into ordinary clothes, she returned to the wall to find that it had completely repaired itself. The Head was hysterically screaming and yelling to the point where when the police arrived, having found no lion, convicts, or broken wall, they began an inquiry into the school whereupon Helena's testimony, as the only member of staff the police trusted the word of, was used to not only expel about ten students but the Head herself was cast out of the school.

In about a week, there was a new head, several changes among the teachers, and a rather unexpected visitor. Helena was in her classroom, tutoring a few students in French when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Helena called distractedly, bending down over her student's textbook with her back to the door as she explained the conjugation the student was struggling with. The door opened. "Just a moment, please," she said, straightening and moving to the next student. After she had finished and the students departed, Helena turned to find a very familiar man leaning back against the wall with an amused expression on his face.

"Peter!" Helena cried, rushing forward and embracing him. He returned the embrace, smiling happily. Pulling away, she said, "What are you doing here?"

"Ouch," he said with a teasing smile. "Am I not allowed to come and see my favourite twin sister." Helena shoved him playfully. Letting out a small laugh, he admitted, "I heard there were tales of Narnia to impart." After promising to tell him everything, Helena went and found Jill and Eustace. Shutting the door behind them, Helena explained, "Peter, this is Jill Pole. Jill, this is Peter." Teasingly, she said, "He's my twin brother and the ancient High King of Old."

"Ancient?" Peter repeated with a raised eyebrow. "What does that make you?" Helena shoved him playfully and it soon started a playful fight between the two filled with much laughter and giggles. When they had settled, the four of them drew up chairs and between the three of them, they told Peter everything that happened in Narnia.

There were many good days the rest of that term and Helena soon found she rather enjoyed her time teaching there. It would be many years until they saw Narnia again, but they held onto each other tightly in the years between.

Book three coming soon ❤️

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