9. Cair Paravel

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It took Jill about ten minutes to explain that when Helena and Eustace had fallen over the cliff edge, Aslan had spoken to her and given the three of them through her the task of saving the prince of Narnia, son of King Caspian. He had given her four signs to follow. The first of these signs was that when Helena and Eustace arrived, the first person they would see in Narnia would be an old and dear friend and that if they spoke to him at once they would have good help. This friend, as it turned out, was Caspian himself. Obviously, they had failed that sign.

The second sign was that they were to journey north to an ancient city of giants. The third was that in that giant city they would find writing and they were to do what the writing said. The fourth sign was that the lost prince would be the first person they would meet in their travels that would ask them to do something in Aslan's name.

There was a long silence after she finished. Finally, Helena said, "Well then. If we're to travel up north, we must find someone to go with us who might know more of the territory."

"But who?" Jill asked.

"I think the best thing to do for now is to wait and hear what the owl has to say," Helena replied. "He did say he would explain some things later. He may be our best help."

"Alright then," Jill said.

"Hullo, what's that?" Eustace said.

"Sounds like a dinner bell," Helena replied once it stopped. "I suppose we ought to head down."


Dinner was wonderful and Helena felt that she could have easily eaten her weight out of all of the lovely things they brought out. Once most of the eating was over, a blind poet came forward and told an ancient story she remembered hearing from Edmund about Prince Cor. It was during the time when Peter was High King. Once that was over, music began and soon Helena, for the court had heard much about her from Caspian and others of the crew, was called forward to dance.

She willingly obliged and Jill was surprised to see just how graceful she appeared while dancing. She had only ever seen her do barre work at Experiment House as they had not yet moved on to work across the floor. She moved as fluidly as water and as her pants were made of a large amount of fabric, they swayed and moved around her in a turquoise storm while the silver of her top caught the light when it was not covered by the dark waves of her hair. Soon others joined in the dance and Helena could be seen dancing with anyone who approached.

It was hours later when Jill, Helena, and Eustace went to bed. Helena sat by the fire for a time, reading a thick volume she had found on one of the shelves. She had gotten a chapter or two in when there was a sudden pecking at the window. Looking up, Helena saw that the same owl from before, Glimfeather, was fluttering outside the window. Quickly getting up, she opened the window so the bird could perch himself on the sill.

"Tu-whoo," the owl hooted. "Tu-whoo, so much to do. We have much to discuss, your majesty." Helena flushed. Although she had never ruled Narnia, Aslan had granted her the honour of bearing the title of Queen. She had quite forgotten until this moment. "We must talk elsewhere. Change from your court clothes into something you can travel in while I rouse the others."

"Alright," Helena replied kindly. The owl took off again. Leaving the window open, Helena searched the room and found a long travelling cloak and began searching for less delicate clothing. The clothes she had come in, unfortunately, were not good for travel either. Finally, she found something worthwhile. There were a pair of riding boots that she quickly discovered fit her very well. Additionally, she found a dark blue blouse of courser, warmer material and some pants that would work well for travelling. Once she had changed, she located a bag and packed in it a few ribbons to tie back her hair, a comb, and a small knife with its sheath.

These packed, she sat in front of the fire again to wait. She had only been waiting a few minutes when another owl, not Glimfeather, appeared and explained that he was to take her while Glimfeather took Jill.

"Pardon me, sir," Helena said after a moment. "What precisely do you mean by 'take me'?"

"You are to ride on my back," the owl explained.

"Would I not be too heavy for you?" The owl shook his head. Helena hesitated another moment before getting to her feet and moving over to the owl. Once she had gotten used to the bitter chill and the discomfort of the ride, she soon struck up a conversation with the owl. She discovered that his name was Finn and that he had lived most of his life at court. Soon, they alighted in a dark place that had a mysterious air of feeling very full. Eustace and Jill came next and after greeting one another, the three fell silent. They now recognized the shifting of feet and Helena suddenly knew they were in a collection of owls.

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