Chapter 6

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~ Warning -  a little bit of cursing in this chapter, not much, just one word. I just thought I'd let you guys know tho !! Xx ~

After a few more hours of playing Candor or Dauntless, I had to so the warhead challenge, run around the pit, kiss Marlene and chug down a whole bottle of hot sauce. Now we're starting to play Never have I Ever. Zeke, like usual, starts off.

"Never have I ever kissed my instructor!" That one was directed at me, so I take a shot. I decide to get all the attention away from me by going.

"Never have I ever ..." I start, "Never have I ever had sex!" Everyone except myself takes a shot. I laugh along with everyone else.
All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door. Zeke gets up and answers it, revealing Four. He invites him in and Four sits down next to me. We're all still laughing and Four just looks at us, like we're crazy. He then asks, "Why are you all laughing?"
"Because!" Christina says, "Tris said 'Never have I ever had sex! And we all took a shot, except her."

He looks at me and quickly looks away, his face relaxed and a slight shade of red. I think he's a Virgin too, tho I don't see why or how. With his abs and muscular features, and how he's so tall! I bet any girl would dream of him-stop it Tris! Bad Tris! You can't think of your instructor like that!

Once all the laughter has died down, we continue on with the game. Christina is next.


By the end of the game, I'm obviously drunk. As well as everyone else. I walk-more like stumble-back to the dorms, occasionally tripping over my own feet, along with Will and Christina.

When we walk through the doors, I'm laughing my head off about something Will said. It probably wasn't funny at all, but I'm still laughing.

Peter comes over to us, and says, "Hey look! Stiff got a little drunk!"
"You bet!" I slur.
He leans in close, next to my ear and whispers, "I like that, Stiff."
He has one hand wrapped around my waist and he other hand on my cheek. He leans in to kiss me but I punch him in the face. "Fuck off Peter!" I scream, still drunk. I don't want my first kiss to be with someone I hate, and when I'm drunk.

I'm walking away, he clutches the side of his head. He grabs my arm and I scream and thrash around. My fists fly everywhere, hitting whatever they find. I've been picked up so I'm not walking. Still thrashing and kicking and punching around, he finally drops me. I get up and run back to the dorms.

I try to sleep that night, but I can't. I've become sober again and I don't remember anything except for the Peter thing. Tears run down my cheeks and I occasionally sob.

Since I can't sleep, I decide to go down to the training room, with all the punching bags and guns ect. When I walk in, there's no one there. I flip on the light switch and walk over to the shed-thingy. I get out a punching bag and walk over to the hooks to hang my bag on. I haven't been in here for about a week. Only because we don't use the training room anymore.

After about a half hour of punching, someone comes into the room. Beads of sweat gathers on my forehead when I see who it is, who walked in. It's Four. I turn my attention back to the bag and punch it.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.
"I couldn't sleep, so I came down here to get my anger out."
"Who are you angry at?" He asks, getting closer to me with each step he takes.
I'm hesitant to tell him what happened, but I do anyway. "Peter. He tried to kiss me and drag me away. Though I obviously didn't let him."
He nods his head and looks away.
"I hate him." I say out of the blue.
His attention is now fully on me. "Yea ..." he says, obviously not knowing what to say.
"I want him to be factionless." I punch the bag. "I wish he wasn't here." Another punch to the bag. "I will get him back!" I kick and punch the bag again. "If he ever touches me again then I will kill him!" My next punch causes the bag to fall of its hinges. It hits the floor and there is a silence in the room. My breathing is heavy. A tear falls down my cheek, I wipe it away before he can notice though. I pick up the bag and head over to the shed.

After I pack the bag away, I walk out of the shed to find Four still standing there. "You still seem angry." He says.
"I am."
He motions for me to follow him, so I do. He leads me towards the ring. I stand there frozen. He gets in and says, "You coming?"
I nod and jump up. "What are we doing?" I ask.
"I figured that since you're still angry, that maybe fighting will help you. You can fight me."
I stand there, my mouth open and eyes wide. "You want me to fight you?"
He nods his head. We get into position and start.

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