Ch 17: Welcome to New York

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Calum and Dakota stepped off the plane hand in hand. Calum gave Dakota's hand a squeeze as they navigated the airport, trying to find their way to baggage claim. They only had one suitcase to retrieve seeing as that the rest of their things had already been shipped to their new apartment.

When they found the baggage claim, Calum grabbed their luggage and they headed out and onto the curb to flag down an Uber. As one saw them and came to a stop, Calum paused and looked to his girlfriend,

"Ready to see our new home?"

"Already home with you" Dakota smiled. Calum's heart grew at that comment,

"God I love you" he smiled and stole a kiss before ushering her into the Uber,

"Where to?" the driver asked,

"Upper East Side of Manhattan. 76th street" Calum answered and the driver pulled into the busy rode.


The Uber came to a stop in front of a complex. Dakota was quite shocked by the place. It was no apartment. It was a penthouse,

"Babe" she started to speak but Calum stopped her,

"I know but this place is big enough for us to grow in"

She nodded and followed Calum into the building and to the elevators.

As the doors opened on the twelfth floor, they stepped out and walked down the hall to the last door on the left,

"Ready?" Calum asked as his hand rested on the handle,

"Ready" Dakota nodded. Calum pushed the door open and both of them walked in. It was gorgeous. Hardwood flooring ran through the place. The living and kitchen were all open to each other. Then there was a small hall with two bedrooms. The master had its own bathroom and the second bathroom was located at the end of the hall,

"Check out the view" Calum smiled and pulled Dakota to the balcony. They both were in awe at the view of the Upper East Side,

"This is amazing" Dakota smiled and hugged her boyfriend's waist,

"Now we need to unpack and buy things to make it ours" Calum smiled,

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's start!" Dakota ran back inside. Calum smiled and followed behind her.


Over the course of the next two weeks, Calum and Dakota had made their new penthouse their home. They had brand new furniture in and were able to get new appliances as well. It was their home.

Once the two were completely done, they sat back on the couch, wrapped up with each other,

"So how far is the gym you'll be training at?" Dakota whispered,

"It's in Brooklyn. But the subway is right across the street from here so I can just hop on and take it to Brooklyn" Calum smiled, "Are you happy here?"

"More than happy. I've always wanted to live here and now I'm here with you" Dakota grinned,

"I can't wait to spend more of my life with you. In a few years, we'll get married and maybe a year after that, bring our first child into the world"

"You'd be the best dad in the world" Dakota smiled,

"You'll be the best mom" Calum nodded,

"I'm so glad we got away and now get to happily and safely live and be together" Dakota hummed, making Calum grin,

"Thank god we got away"

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