Freaked Out

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As I stood in shock at the blood splatter on the floor, the door shook until the person behind it finally got a handle on the key and threw it open.
It was Sasha, looking worried and ready to fight something. Behind her stood three girls from the party, looking just as frightened as Sasha.
I was shocked for a moment, but in a quick instant i slammed my foot over the blood splatter and scuffed it.
"What the hell happened Cam?" Sasha demanded with a shaky voice. Lily appeared over her shoulder, looking much more sober than she had when I first went into the bathroom.
"Camille, are you all good? Do you need like, a water or something?" She asked with a much more generous voice than Sasha. I shook my head and ran a hand through my thick curls, trying to get a hold of my head.
"Yeah, I'm good Lil thanks."
That was enough for Lily to back off, but Sasha stepped forwards.
"If it's all good then why did you scream?" She demanded, and knocked away a bit of my confidence.
I had screamed? When did I scream? And was it so loud that the other girls had heard?
Thankfully, a short girl with wavy brown hair stepped forwards and put her hand on Sasha's shoulder.
"C'mon, Sash, it was dark. She's probably still spooked." She turned towards me. "Cam, you need to lay down or something? Most of us are sleeping over, and I know you've got work and everything but Lil probably wouldn't mind you staying." Both girls looked over to Lily, who shook her head in agreement.
"Yeah, it's fine with me if you stay."
Although the offer was tempting and I was dead tired from working all day, I declined the offer.
"Thanks - but no thanks, I should be getting home. I've got things I need to catch up on." There was not another minute that I wanted to spend in this house, much less a night. I pushed my way through the group of girls, saying my goodbyes as I rushed out the door.
My hands were shaking as I tried to grasp my keys. There was a light misty rain falling, and when I tried to grip the car door handle my hand slipped and my hand hit the door hard, taking off half of the nail on my pointer finger and leaving it dripping blood.
Bloody Mary
I ripped the car door open and almost fell backwards, then I launched myself into the car and collapsed into it. I held my head in my hands and sobbed, I would scream if I thought no one would hear me. God, what the hell happened?
A knock on the passenger side window startled me, but it was only Sasha. she looked pissed, and I thought of ignoring her and just driving away. But that would result in hundreds of angry messages, so I opened the window a drop.
"Make it quick. I'm in a hurry." I secretly hoped she would offer to drive me home, since I felt like a tornado had destroyed my head.
She opened her mouth, ready to speak, but stopped once she noticed my hand.
"What the hell happened to your finger?" She, once again, demanded.
I looked down. More of the nail had cracked off than I had realized, and half of my finger was dripping with blood.
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary
I sucked in cold breath between my teeth and gripped my head. I couldn't think straight, how the hell was this possible?!
"Oh my god Cam, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Sasha leaned in and slipped her arm through the little crack of window I had opened, she tried to open the window more but I slapped her hand back out. With a face of dejection she moved her arm back out again. I thought about all that had happened between us, and for just a moment my mind felt clear again.
"Step away from my car." I ordered, and after hesitating she moved slowly away. No one wants their feet crushed.
"Don't, text me again. I thought you were over what happened in college, but I guess some people aren't mature enough to realize that some things are their own damn fault. go back and party with Lily, go and get fucking drunk off your ass for all I care. Maybe you'll ask her to have sex with you, too."
Sasha opened her mouth, looking not angry but on the verge of tears. I didn't care to hear her excuses, though. I put my old truck in drive and sped off down the road.

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