An Early Call

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I returned home, locked my door, double checked the windows, and bundled under my blankets. I must've been dreaming, or drunk.
Sleep proved impossible, I laid awake in a cold sweat and watched my fan spin round all night. I looked to the clock on my desk and it read 1:00, but the next moment I looked back and it was four A.M. I groaned and decided to at least try to make sense of this; or forget it.
I shook the thing covers off of my legs and say at the edge of my bed. Now that the fresh sweat had become sticky and dry on my body, I was just plain hot. That made the ordeal even less bearable. I stood and looked walked out into the rest of my apartment.
The neatness of it helped; it was a giant change from Lily's house, and although I had been here for about two years now, I hadn't decorated too much. Another change from Lily's house. Still, even one look to the bathroom sent shivers down my spine. No shower for me, then.
In a desperate attempt to cool off, I closed all of my shades, turned the air conditioner way up, and stripped down to my undergarments. Nothing sexy, not even matching, but I was desperate. I fixed up my messy morning hair and paced a few laps around the silver kitchen.
I was drunk. Of course I was! But that wouldn't explain how I remembered the situation so clearly, or hoe I drove home. Maybe Lily or one of the other girls had slipped something into my drink? That could be it. Maybe some odd drug I hadn't heard of, some hallucinogenic that tripped up your mind in a clear way? Still, working where I do I've dealt with a lot of drugs like that, and never one that worked like this.
I slumped into the couch with a groan. Morning light was streaming through the windows by now, which helped my fear, but I still couldn't make sense of anything.
On the table my phone buzzed violently, startling me so much I actually hopped off the couch and tripped over the coffee table. After recovering I grabbed it and answered, figuring it was Sasha annoyingly calling to make sure I was okay.
"What do you want?" I growled into the phone, crossing my free ark over my chest even though she couldn't see me.
"Wow, sorry sis, didn't mean to get you at a bad time." Damn. It was only my brother. And I sounded so convincing, too.
I shook my head and sighed. "No, James it's fine. I had a rough night, that's all."
He chuckled over the line. "Yeah, crime solving isn't so easy, huh?"
I smirked. Big bro always has my favorite laugh. "Yeah, not at all. So what's up? You never call, you're always so busy." James is a pretty high class architect, so his job is always pretty demanding. His calls are rare and appreciated, but they're usually scheduled.
"Yeah, and listen, I'll cut right to the point since I've got to get back to work soon. How would you like to spend some time with your favorite and only niece this next week?"
Little Elise. The last time I saw her she was a ten year old little nugget. That was two years ago, she's gotta be twelve now. Maybe even on the verge of thirteen. At the though of seeing her again, my voice perked up.
"Elise, of course! She wants to come and visit?"
James hesitated. "Well, in a way. You know Arianna's pregnant again, right? The baby's still in a sensitive state, and she's been pretty stressed out with taking care of Elise all on her own while I'm at work this summer. So I asked Elise if she'd be willing to stay with you for a week, and she was up for it!"
I pursed my lips. "Uh huh, you told her this without asking me first?"
I could feel James' panic from miles away.
"Sis, I wouldn't be asking you this if I wasn't completely desperate! I knew mom and dad are on vacation this summer, and Elise would've picked you to stay with over them any day!"
I laughed and shook my head. "Alright, fine. Text me the details later and tell Elise she can stay, I'll prepare my guest room."
James whooped into the phone. "Cam, you are the absolute best! Okay, I'll go, thank you so much!"
James hung up, and even minutes later I had a smile on my face. Great, Elise was coming over, and now I'm starting to feel tired again. Still, there was one thing I needed to take care of.
I put down my phone and made my way into the bathroom.

Sorry for the lateness guys, I've been a little busy lately!
Also, how would you guys prefer i write things when stuff gets sexy? Descriptive or just set things up and let your imaginations take hold?

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