🌙 Part 5

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There was an akward silence in the living room taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on one side and Jimin on the other . Jimin staring at the duo whereas jungkook tried to look everywhere else but his friend .

"So do I deserve an explanation or not " Jimin finally break the silence . Jungkook sighed and started explaining everything from the start . Jimin looked at taehyung intensely as if he's scanning the boy throughout .

"I want to talk to you in private " he said to which taehyung got up and left the room , his eyes still teary because he created trouble for his hyung . After he was completely gone Jimin again opened his mouth

"Jungkook do you realise what are you doing have you gone insane , how can you bring a random kid to your house let alone an alpha "

"Hyung please , taehyung is not like that he's a kid I trust him ."

"Huh trust you say ? guess you forgot whatever you learned at school now , alpha's are superior , dominant and agressive . He might be your little taetae but once he turns 18 and gets his first rut he'll start to act on his instincts and then he'll control you like his doll "

"I-i know all that I understand but atleast for now he needs me I just can't throw him out like that and on top of that I don't have a reason to do that h-he thinks I'm an alpha just like him . "

"And you didn't even bother to correct his misunderstanding "

"I'm scared of him leaving me I'm scared to see that disgusted look on his face like all those people did to me when I reveal the truth , you can say we both need eachother right now , and when the time comes I'll reveal the truth to him and let him decide whether he wants to leave me or not . I'll respect his decision anyhow ." Jimin eyes soften hearing his friends words , after being friends for so long he never realised how lonely jungkook gets at home .

"Okay I'm fine with it if that's how it is but I still won't trust him until he can control his instincts . If you need any help you can call me anytime " jungkook eyes lit up with joy , his friend is no longer angry and approved his decision , Jimin smile and got up .

"Are you leaving already " jungkook asked

"Actually I had somewhere to go but I was suspicious of your behaviour that's why I followed you now I gotta go I'll come by some other day " they both stood up and walked near the door .

"Ok hyung and thanks for understanding me " Jimin hugged him and caress his back .

"It's alright just don't hide anything from me next time ok " Jimin said and nodded .

Someone was watching them and they didn't liked the scene one bit . Taehyung just came downstairs because he got hungry he just got down a few stairs when he saw them near the door . He don't know what this strange feeling was he felt this feeling for the first time but one thing was sure he didn't liked it at all . After Jimin left jungkook eyes fell on taehyung standing near the stairs , he was gonna say something but taehyung just went back to his room .

Jungkook sensed that he was angry and he has the right to be angry at him . Taehyung needs an explanation right now so he went after him .

Jungkook opened the door of his room and found taehyung standing near the window .

"Taehyung I'm sorry for what happened down there I shouldn't have hid you like that , it's not like that I want to hide you from everyone , I was just not ready . Please forgive me taetae"

"It's not your fault hyung I understand your situation , if they don't accept me then don't force yourself I'll leave I don't want to be a burden on you " taehyung said in a broken voice his head hung low .

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