Ali Abdul

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Ali had always admired you, whether it was because of how mature you were or how you were a social butterfly like himself

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Ali had always admired you, whether it was because of how mature you were or how you were a social butterfly like himself. He liked how you always seemed so motivated to do things, and in a way he wished that he could be that way.

This weird crush on you, was one of his biggest downfalls. He had a wife, a child- a family to support. Yet most nights he went to sleep only thinking about you. It felt wrong and he felt selfish, he had beat himself up thinking about all the ways he could have done better.

He couldn't help It though, the sudden urge to be closer to you. It was almost as if it was an instinct, but he knew that all bad things seem tempting at first sight. And you happened to be very tempting to him.

You were the one who actually introduced him to his now wife. The one that he loved with his life. You were different though, you were his friend-his best friend. He trusted you with everything he had, and he wouldn't bat an eyelash if you told him to do something.

You were quite oblivious to this, even if you seemed down to earth and really smart, when it came to your love life you were a complete mess.

The worst part is that before he even met his wife, he was sure that he liked you. However, That hadn't stopped him from marrying her and having a child with her. He thought that once he moved on physically it would be easier to move on emotionally.

He was wrong though, like really wrong. But Even if he did somehow form a relationship with you, it would be nothing like your past relationships. He wasn't rich like your previous spouse, he wasn't super smart, and he knew that if he could barely take care of his family then he could never come close to being with you.

Soon, He had come to the conclusion that he would be leaving for South Korea. He thought it was the best way to find new opportunities and make more money, and maybe a better way to stay farther from you?

So You had taken it upon yourself to invite him over to say goodbye. Because Even though you weren't excited about his departure, you felt like you had to be supportive.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you wanted my plate too." You joked catching him staring in your direction, assuming that he was staring at your plate. "Oh no, no" he raised his hands in denial, turning you down immediately.

"It's fine" you rolled your eyes, leaning forward to scrape some of your helping onto his once empty plate. He frowned a bit as he watched, he felt almost helpless. "How is your family?" You questioned after leaning back into your seat. Ali had taken a spoonful of food and put it in his mouth "we're fine" he responded, voice muffled by his food. With a nod of your head you continued eating.

You had done it again, you had asked him about his life. It would seem a bit small to everyone else but to him it just proved how nice you were. No matter how many times you had given him money, or gave him food or asked about his family, your emotions never seemed to falter. You always seemed so happy to help him, and talk about him.

Before, he had thought that maybe that meant you liked him too, but now he knew that it was just you being you.

"I thought that me asking you over for dinner would somehow give me enough time to convince you not to go." You confessed breaking the silence, as you looked down at your plate in embarrassment. "But now, I think it would be a great idea for you to get a fresh start." You added, looking back up towards him.

Your kind eyes meeting his innocent ones. Ali was pure, and that's one of the first words you would use to describe him. Because no matter what, he was always trying to help, even if he knew that it wasn't ideal. He was a gentleman, and many people had let him down because of that. You knew that people had taken advantage of him, and in a way that's what brought you two together.

You were also kind, almost too kind. And like Ali, people saw that as a weakness and took advantage of your kind gestures. You had met Ali when you were around 8, your mom had told you to go grab a lemon but the shelf was so high you couldn't reach it. Ali had grabbed it for you, and you thanked him before running back to your mom.

For days, you thought about the nice boy but You had never seen him again. So soon you forgot he even existed. The second time you met was when you were 17, you both had bumped into eachother while in a rush.

When you had moved homes, you had soon met your neighbors and he was the son of your neighbor. It didn't take long for you both to become close, he was nice and you were nice. Both of you were too pure for the world, oblivious to how tainted you would become in the future.

While your dad thought being kind and generous was a weakness, your mother thought that it was only fair that you gave people the respect that you would want to receive.

In a way you had taken both of their opinions to heart. You knew that people weren't exactly as kind as they should be, and you knew how easy it was for someone to pretend that they cared only for them to use you. Which is why you had been more careful of who you helped and who you stayed away from.

You had tried to tell Ali, but he could never help the urge to help someone that he knew was having trouble. That's why you always adored him, and In a way you were almost angry that you even introduced him to another girl.

It was one of your biggest mistakes, but it had one of the biggest impacts on your life. To this day, you both didn't even remember that you had first met when you were 8. The farthest memory of each other that you had, was when you had both became neighbors.

Ali felt almost relieved that you didn't want him to go, but that made him actually feel worse about leaving in the first place. "You can come with us!" He gave you an excited smile, happy that the idea came to him. "I couldn't, I have to take care of my mom" you muttered, frowning at him.

The smile that once occupied Ali's face dropped slowly into a frown that mimicked yours as he looked down at his plate almost as if he didn't feel like eating anymore. "But I'll come visit as much as I can" you reasoned, sending him the biggest smile you could muster (that's not the right word I was going for but eh).

Ali had kept his frown, as he ignored your words. "Hey how about we play a game" you spoke again, making Ali look up at you. "I don't know many games." He responded softly, "that's okay, because we'll make this one up." You grinned at him.

Even though Ali was upset about your rejection towards his offer, You knew that a game was a perfect way to take his mind off the fact that he was leaving and you weren't.

"Okay." He smiled a bit, forgetting your previous conversation. Your grin grew, if even possible, as you reached out your hand to grab Ali's. As he slipped his hand into yours, and you both stood up forgetting about your food.

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