Hwang Junho

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Junho wouldn't say that he was obsessed or that he was clingy

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Junho wouldn't say that he was obsessed or that he was clingy. Though your friends did a good job at making it seem like he was. You and Junho had known each other since you were little when you both traded slushees with innocent smiles because you thought the red one tasted like medicine. It was a weird interaction but the friendship you both built afterwards made it 100% worth it.

Junho and you did almost everything together, and though the new friendship did confuse your parents, they got used to seeing you and Junho together.

Wherever you went, he followed. It was you two against the harsh, annoying, slightly dirty, evolving world. But even though it seemed like you spent all your time with Junho, surprisingly you had other friends.

And sadly those friends hated him, well hate would be a strong word but, they always got a weird feeling around him. They really just wanted to look out for you, was that a bad thing?

No it wasn't.. but Junho thought otherwise. He didn't like the way that your friends treated him as if he was a pesticide. And he didn't think that they should be in your life. Simply because, they were holding you back. People like them didn't deserve to tell you what friends to have, and the people you should and shouldn't stay away from.

Perhaps he would have found a way to get rid of them, but then again if you found out something happened to them you'd only blame yourself. Then you'd lead yourself into a narrow path of guilt; that would only force you to impulsively push him away.

So yeah, the friends weren't that bad. Well except for one.....he's stubborn like you. He's even controlling, also like you. You both were alike in almost every aspect, and that didn't help settle Junho's nerves. He almost felt threatened by the guy, with his slightly undetected flirting and his lingering touches.

Junho was a bit offended that the guy was confident enough to do such things right in front of him. Soon enough he had matched his face with his name. Zander (idfk). Zander had recently came back to Korea after finishing college, in a attempt to rekindle his friendship with you.

In the public eye, you both seemed really close. Especially when Zander had placed a lazy arm around your shoulder. He even bragged about how you both almost dated, making sure that he sent a mischievous smile at Junho. Which was funny because you had never mentioned him to Junho before.

Zander had made it his personal goal to pick with Junho all night. Sending him heated questions, as you scolded him for his behavior. It had come to the point where it was almost impossible for Junho to come up with a reasonable response.

Now, of course Junho was a understanding person. Really, he had no reason to hold grudges, but with Zander it was different. He hated him with every bone in his body, and although he tried to push that anger away for your sake; the jerk always found a way to push his buttons.

In all honesty he shouldn't have let the guy get to him so much. He shouldn't have let the idea of you and Zander being together eat at him.

But He cared..a lot, maybe that was the problem. He cared too much, after his past relationships he vowed to never care about someone that much ever again. It wasn't his fault though, you were his best friend and you brought a weird side out of him.

You weren't exactly the ideal type, and you weren't exactly the smartest but yet you were the closest person to him. You both had shared many deep conversations and intimate moments, he had just thought that maybe you both had been on the same level.

Somehow, Even after meeting him, and growing to be hormonal teens, you had never hinted at having a romantic relationship with him.

Of course He didn't have a problem with you having a sex life of your own, and he definitely didn't have negative thoughts about the people you hooked up with. He hated it though, this feeling, he remembered all to well. It was almost as if ever second of his life he had to fight to prove his feelings for you. Almost like in his past, and It brought a bitter taste to his tongue whenever he somehow finds a way to compare you to anyone he once dated.

You were undoubtedly better anyways, so why did his lingering thoughts get to him so much? In all honesty he wasn't gonna answer that question.

Soon you had announced your departure, and after a exchange of goodbyes you had made your way outside Not even noticing that Junho hadn't trailed behind you, when you got to the car.

Zander had smiled a bit as he saw an empty alley. He made a tsk sound as he looked around in distaste. "This place sucks" he muttered kicking a crate. He laughed to himself, unzipping his pants as he urinated in the corner farthest from eyesight.

There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with Junho. However, He was a bit impulsive, and although he was a detective he somehow found a way to always lack the idea of how to separate his feelings from what he knows is right or wrong.

"I'm kinda busy man" Zander peaked back at the stranger that he had heard from behind him. He turned back around to continue, almost groaning at how long he had held his urine. Hearing the stranger continue his advances, Zander had turned around preparing to yell at him.

It didn't really make sense, and truly it did happen so fast. And in a normal situation the depth of what had happened would have been too deep. He should have felt guilty, or even scared at his own actions. Yet Junho didn't feel a thing as he twisted the knife that he had thrusted into what he presumed was Zander's stomach. Nor did he, when he felt the scarlet red blood cover his fingers.

Instead he retracted the knife and watched as the silhouette of the injured boy fell onto a pile of crates, sending Junho a bewildered expression that he couldn't quite see. "Junho?" He muttered out, the only response he received was the small smirk that had played at Junho's lips that had yet to become visible to Zander.

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