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planet Odyssey
0100 hours
the two head elite bar

Charlie sat at the bar, the light was still in for repairs, and the colony was off to a good start, the UNSC had been at it for a few months already, this has led to a lot of builds already done, he still wasn't use to seeing the hinge heads about. Charlie also noticed more than one ONI operative laying about the places, the others had stayed at the barracks, but Charlie, Charlie need a drink.

 the bar was full, they were at least 10 marines, 10 ODSTs, 12 officers and a dozen civilians, Charlie was sat quite isolated, drinking from his whiskey, people kept going up and singing, Charlie laughed as an ODST he knew from basic training took the stage, Jack Morson was the kinda soldier you want having your back, but not to go drinking with, he was pissed, he barley got few the first lyric out before nearly passing out, Charlie shook his head, and took another mouth full of the drink. 

when he saw her, Doctor Soji Asha had just stepped onto the stage once Morson stumbled off and back to his friends, Soji took the stage brushing some of her hair out of her face, "I would like to dedicate this song to those who can't be here," She said, Charlie and a few other held up their drinks as she started to sing.

Charlie leaned back, she really was a beautiful woman, Charlie noticed that his drink was now empty, he sat there considering if it's worth getting another, he decided ageinest it, after all, you never know when someone might attack, there hadn't been any sign of the Roulam fleet since the attack.

there wanted something from the light, he didn't know what, and that was hell, if what Morgan thinks is true the Roulams were hunting after his squad, what worried Charlie even more, what was so special about his squad. Soji soon enough got off the stage once her song finished, Charlie fazed out as his mind went back to the idea of the Roulam hunting his squad and ways to counter to them, Charlie shook the thought out of his head, no tonight was about relaxing, suddenly he had an idea of being watched.

the ODST looked up, it was an officer, Charlie had met the man one once and only briefly, in the engines room of the light, the man had a ruffled bread, "I've noticed you staring at the Lady on the stage your the ODST ordered to keep her safe right?" The officer asked.

"Yeah, what is it to you?" Charlie asked.

"I don't trust her, something about her is wrong," he said, Charlie felt anger start to build, "if you asked me I would say she's evil," the officer added, Charlie choice not to speak yet, "If I..." 

Charlie spoke up again. "Can you shut up? I don't care who you are, That woman saved my life," He said.

"You trust her, well don't blame me if this goes wrong for you," Officer said, Charlie recognized the tone, it was a threat.

"Listen here, I don't like your tone, I suggest you walk away before this gets ugly," Charlie said, he didn't bother looking at the man only towards the now-empty stage.

"you will pay," Charlie stood up, now towering over the officer.

"Go away before I do something you'll regret," Charlie said, the Office walked away, he might have some words with the admiral tomorrow, Charlie sat back down he lost Soji in the cowed room, He considered leveing and heading back to the barracks.

"is this set taken?" Charlie faced snapped to Soji now stood above the table.

"not at all, have a seat," Charlie said, he gestured to the empty seat opposite him.

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