the changeling

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Charlie walked past the Sparents without saying a word. "Is this he okay?" Kelly asked.

"He needs to do something, We've just lost a lot of people, in the meantime, you can talk with me and Var'Rohom," Morgan said, a sparten walked over to him towering over Morgan, his Mjolnir armour. 

"Sargent I'm Lieutenant Frederic 104, that Kelly and Linda," He pointed to the other two Spartans, "the admiral had us sent right down thought you could do with the extra security," the Sparten explained. Morgan can't help but notice that the Sparten had said it towards the elite.

Soji was holding Charlie's helmet and followed him out before Morgan could stop her, she found Charlie standing over one of the dead ODSTs, "Charlie? are okay?" Soji asked. Charlie shook his head.

"another squad lost, 12 ODSTs nearly 2 fire teams lost, as long as the Romulans have these instant teleporters, our troopers are at a massive disadvantage, I lost over half my ODSTs on the light now this," Charlie mumbled. Soji walked up to him.

"Charlie are you okay?" she asked. Charlie stood there and looked grimly over the backfield.

"We need to stop them before they actually kill us all, this time was way too close, they seem to be after us, I want to know why, why is someone so content on killing this Squad," Charlie asked, he turned to her, taking his helmet back.

"Lieutenant, you're needed," Fred 104 called from the forerunner ruins. Charlie clicked his helmet on.

"well talk about it later, our jobs come first," Charlie said.

1000 hours
UNSC light in the storm currently docked with repair station, archon 

"sir we've got a problem, someone accused the station transmitters who shouldn't be there," a soldier reported. the admiral rubbed his neck.

"show me, and get a security team to that location as quick as possible," Whitaker got up and walked over to one of the many terminals.

a squad of marines gathered outside a communications suite. "Do we know what we're expecting?" the Sargent asked. 

"Cameras are down, Sargent all we know is that it's one person," A voice responded. the door opened, and the four marines raised their rifle. the ONI officer, the same one the sergeant had fought with stepped out of the room.

"oh just great, I must have missed something on the way in, typical," he said, the Sargeat Raised his rifle. 

"sir I'm going to have to ask you to come with me," the Sargeant had barely gotten the words out, as the ONI officer's arm seemed to turn into a golden liquid, rapping around the Sargent and using him to knock down the others. 

all the marines fired, and every time a bullet hit him, the point of contact turned to gold and the bullets just passed through him. the battle wasn't long,  the Changeling didn't need to kill them merely knocked them out. he was aiming for the hanger and the condor pelican parked there. expect as he turned the corner the bulkhead dropped and a handful of Marines blocked the way.

on the bridge of the light in the storm, Adrimal Whittaker had watched what the ONI officer. "what the hell! Get me a line to the Sdyen now! I need to speak to Adrimal Osman," Whittaker ordered. 

Adrimal Serin Osman was in her office in Sdeyn command 5 when a priority signal was sent to her. "Ma'am it would appear we have a problem, Adrimal Whitaker has reported a rouge ONI officer, a commander Whitehall is, oh, you might want to see this," 

"BB, that's Price, He meant to be here," 

"And he is, but....oh that's interesting his biochip hasn't moved in over a week," BB reported, "I've sent a team to investigate," 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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