escape to Odyssey

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Soji laughs as she runs down the hull, as charlie and Morgan tried to catch up, she's not sure why but something about these people made her feel safe, she felt like she could joke and play. She stopped at a corner, her mind thought to a dark idea, what if they learned about her truth what if they hate me and try to kill me, she looked towards the two ODST behind them, charlie quickly caught up, as much as he hates it the women had easily outrun the soldier, he looks up to see Morgan right behind, charlie also took a moment to think, since the two meet on reach, charlie who was at the time a Marine in training had encountered the man, charlie was sent on a mission to contact a group of missing ODST, and found him unconscious, since then morgan has had his back with everything, from fights with the Covenant or other humans, he turned to doctor Asha, "please, stop running by the time we reach engine we going be out of breath," Charlie pleads, "what scared you can't keep up, " Soji teased, "no, it's more...." charlie didn't have a chance to finish before the ship shook, charlie regained his blance. "Morgan get on to the bridge found out what that was, " he ordered, Morgan hit his intercom, "bridge what was that?" Morgan paused while there respond, charlie pulled his helmet off while he catches his breath, soji smiled at him, "well lieutenant I can't say you've bored me, " she joked, "very funny," Charlie responded sarcastically, she made eye contact with him, he went to say something but was cut off by morgan. "Charlie, a Covenant ship just turned up, " charlie turned as quickly as possible, "what!" He yelled, "there haven't engaged us, only the Romulan Fleet," Morgan reported, charlie signed in relief, "we should probably move, " Soji said, Charlie nodded and the group darted down the hall, but the door opened and three Romulans open fire, charlie who was in the lead quickly stopped but he didn't have time to but his helmet on or raise his weapon before being shot all three opened fire, there hit him in the chest causing him to fall to the ground, "no!" Soji yelled, Morgan raised his sniper rifle, he knows that the weapon wasn't really suited for the situation, but he loved this weapon, he took a moment to Aline the shot, and the high calibre bullet went through all three heads, he quickly learned down to charlie, the first shot had melted his helmet and the second hit into his chest, Soji took up his hand, "armour is still intact," Morgan said, "his pulse I can't find it, I'm going for chest compressions," said starting, '1, 2, 3, and breve' Soji thought as she tries to breathe life into charlie, midway through charlie jumped to life, Soji pulled back, charlie takes a few deep breaths.

Soji and Morgan both sighed in relief, "that's another I owe you," charlie said, he looked at his helmet, "well I can't use that anymore," Morgan walked over and gave him a hand up, "you almost died how are you so calm?" Soji asked clearly concerned, charlie picked up his battle rifle, "I'm a hell jumper," he said without showing any emotion at all, he turned to continue, but then quickly turned back, " although I'm going to have the ship doctor look over me after this,"

Kyle and William took a step back as officers take their places, "weapons online, coms online, MAC warming up, sensors online, engines not responding " the A.I read as the officer take their places, "sir the Covenant ship is firing at the enemy ships but the vessel jamming are external Communications, it's holding just outside are weapons and the covenant ship," one officer said, he was old and had a scar going over his right cheek, and a pair of brown eyes, and a short grey hair, and a nameplate that read, 'smith' the Admiral put one of his hand on his chin, "what about a fighter strike?" One another officer said, they were in they early 20 and they also had black hair and green eyes, and they name tag read 'Constance' they were only an ensign, the Admiral stopped, "that might work, Orine how many pilots have you heard from?" The admiral asked, "fighter team eagle, they were in the hanger when the ship was bored looks like they were left be for the most part," the A.I seemed calm, "well, tell them to get ready, get in close and used the havoc on that ship," Admiral Whitaker said, the bridge went quite, and the young officer spoke up, "sir are you sure? A havoc is the last option..." The man stopped when The Admiral stood up, "you have your orders"

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