retaking the ship

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The Sargent was worried, for the last five minutes no more of the attacker had appeared. The Spartan and four of Marines stood guard. "Something is not right here, after relentless waves now nothing? Now that ain't right" the Sargent says to the officers. "I must agree with you it is most peculiar but right now we need a plan to take back main engineering. Now how many of them could there be in there, " the officers said.  "We can send in a remote cam and have a look, " another officer said. "I hate to be that guy, but we don't have any remote cameras, " the last officer said. This man was younger than the rest of the officer present, the man Insignia indicated he was a high level at O.N.I the Sargent looked at him. "You're from the O.N.I, is there anything you can tell us about these attackers?" The Sargent asked. "unfortunately I've never seen nor heard about this before, but it might explain some anomalies in recent activities" the young officer says. "How so?" Before the officer answered one of the Marines came running up to them. "Sir one of the attackers want to talk, " the marine reports. The Sargent and the Officer walked over to the doorway. There was a signal women. Her hair went down past her shoulders. Dim blue eyes, she was wearing a modified combat gear to let her move better in a fight. Her eyebrows were thin and sharp. The thing that the Sargent found weird was the fact she had pointed ears. "That's not normal," the young officer says.

"Who the hell are you?" the Sargent asked, the officer looked at the Sparten. "status report?" The officer asked. "One visible weapon holster on her hip, but I think she may have concealed weapons" the sparten reported. "What makes you think that?" The Sargent asked. "She reminds me of an O.N.I operative I worked with a few years back there always carried a concealed weapon at all times" he explained. "Well we shall be careful," the officer says. "Well you must be the Sargent in charge here, " she said smugly. "That I would be," he said. "Good, I'm here to persuade you to, " she stopped as if to think of the right word. "Oh yes, surrender" she had a sinister smile on her face.  The Sargent laughed. "Why on earth would I do that?" The Sargent asked. "Because if you don't you'll die"
"You'll have one hell of a fight first" the women moved with lightning-quick action. A knife flew through the air, time seems to slow for the Spartan as he sees the blade. He jumps up and grabs it by the handle. It was only centimetres from the Sargents face. He stumbled back slightly, "open fire, now goddamn it" the Sargent yelled. The women whistled and sixteen of the attackers appeared from the around the corner. The sparten jump over the table barricade and tackles the women. She went to pull out her pistol but the Spartans grip stopped her. With her spare hand pulled out a small box clicking a button on it. But as she does this the sparten grabs her and the two disappear into a beam of light,

The Marines are pushed back, their numbers dropped to three again. The attackers pushed through the door, the O.N.I officer raised his pistol and fired one shot hitting the door control, the attacker in the doorway was cut in half and the one in the room was gunned down. Sparks start to fly from the door. The Sargent regains his composure. "We need a plan any ideas?" He asked. "One" the young O.N.I officer said with a smile,

Soji had left the armoury waiting outside, she's not sure why but something about being in there made her uncomfortable bring back memories from the Romulan Reclamation site. She was leaning on the wall thinking, try to learn how the Romulans found her or are even here, maybe they have a portal. This gave her hope a way home, but she also remembers one of the reasons she's here the second organic synth who went missing. She looks down and sees the body of the corporal. "Who were you?" She asked, suddenly without warning the door on her right open and a group of the Romulan attackers moved in. She jumped into action grabbing the one closest to her pulling the weapon from the man and kicking him with such Force that he Fell to the floor in pain. The second one managed to dodge her before she swung her arm again hitting them in the chest, the attacker hit into the wall with such strength that it dented the wall.

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