Chapter 19 - Watched Out

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Arien's POV

I know that voice.

Does he engage in telepathy? That's impressive.

But even with his commanding words, I didn't listen to him. I chose to ignore his voice inside my head and continued with my day. Forgetting about going to the music room.

Poly and I went to our class and Reina together with Klarissa left for their own too. Poly were friends with Reina in tenth grade and that's how the four of us became friends.

The day passed by smoothly and now I'm at the coffee shop, serving some costumers. It was never boring in here. Whenever I feel lonely, even with Nathan and Emilia's company, I will just brew my own coffee and pick a book from the reading corner.

Yep. That's what I like it here. The reading corner. It contains a bunch of books donated by some costumers or Emilia and Nathan's friends. The books were rather old, but they were fun to read. It's amazing.

I was just chilling by the counter when I noticed the familiar motorcycle. My tongue clicked. I hate this.

You know that your being watched by some anonymous idiot and it creeps the hell out of you? Yeah. That's it.

But the difference here is, I know who's been watching me.

There's Ricky, sitting on one of the tables outside, playing with his phone, while glancing inside the shop from time to time. Specifically, watching me.

I sighed. Did they think I will run away? Running away while my family is at risk? I just wanna laugh at them with full of sarcasm. They held my family onto their own hands, threatening me if I won't agree and go on their way. How can this world be so unfair?

I buried my face on the book I was reading and silently cursed.

Destiny is really playing tricks with me.


Work was finally over. And the guy was still out there, never moved a muscle except for his hands. They were serious at keeping a watching eye on me at the most obvious state. They should have just lurked around the dark instead of being blunt.

But now that I think of it, I prefer this kind of situation.

Secretly being watched in the dark is much more creepy. And dangerous.

A few young ladies giggles shyly every time they walk past him. Yeah. Not surprised at that. I too, is accepting the fact that he was a beauty, along with his brothers.

But how in the world, the seven of them were in the same grade?

Oh wait. Vampires don't age.

So they were all old men. Great.

I let out a deep breath and headed to the staff room and changed back into my school uniform. I dragged my backpack with me as I bid goodbye to my coworkers when I exited the room.

Right after I closed the glass door behind me, Ricky immediately got up and pocketed his phone.

"Hey, Arien."he greeted. But I ignored him. How can he just greet me casually after all that had happened?! The audacity...hmph.

I walked away and headed for the bus stop as I heard him groaned.

I heard him start up his motorcycle and trailed behind me. Seriously?

"What do you want?"I asked him, full of irritation in my voice. He smiled.

"C'mon. I'll give you a ride."he offered.

"No, thank you. I'd rather ride a taxi instead of keeping up the pace of that motorcycle of yours."I answered and continued walking, being stubborn like the girl I was born.

"Aren't you afraid walking along this dark road? The street lamps are too far from each other. Some random malicious guy might find you here, alone and unprotected."he asked, a bit concerned.

"Tss. I can protect myself."I can't. But I watched a few action movies and my imaginations helps a lot. Maybe I can apply it on real life situation.

"Don't be stubborn already and ride on my motorcycle. I promise I won't be as fast as Ethan did the last time."

Just hearing his name makes my blood boil. That good for nothing idiot! Who almost sucked every drop of blood in my body in just one night! How can he be so hungry towards blood?

"No way. And thinking about you and all of your brothers, being bloodsuckers are still lingering inside my mind, fresh and juicy."I said, sarcasm present.

"Oh c'mon. I don't have time for this. Just hop on and we'll go home. You would want to spend a lot of money just riding a cab? That would be just a waste."

I halted. He's somewhat right. Almost half of my weekly payment from the job is going to the cab expenses and I can't even buy things for myself in that case.

I sighed. Riding on his motorcycle won't hurt a limb right? And plus, he ain't leaving me alone.

I groaned. "Fine."

He mouthed a 'yes' to himself and stopped briefly to let me hop on the vehicle.

He passed a helmet to me.

"For safety purposes."he said. I rolled my eyes. I know that.

Now that's everything is settled, he drove it smoothly and in average pace, just like he promised.


We finally arrived at the house and like any other time, it's eerie quiet.

"Are they home?"I asked him. He nodded.

"They just don't like being noisy. Oh nuts. I forgot to feed Bisco!"and without another word, he rushed inside the house, leaving me behind.

Despite being a vampire, he cares for his pet dog. Surprising.

I took the helmet off my head and exited the garage. When I entered, I can now clearly hear their hushed voices inside their rooms and Ricky inside the kitchen.

I went straight to my room, locking the door behind me before turning the lights on.

But when I turned around, I almost had a heart attack.


Why in the most deep pit of hell he's here in my room?!

He was leaning against the wall, facing me. His face is unreadable, and too pale from his usually white as snow skin. There's not much of a difference but you can actually notice it. He looks restless and tired. What happened to him?

"Why didn't you come?"he asked, all dark and angry.

"Why are you in my room?"I back fired.

He looked irritated. He's gaze can melt my knees, but I stayed still, even though their already shaking.

"I said, why didn't you come?!"he raised his voice.

I was now scared and afraid of him. I'm not as brave as everybody think I am. Just a shout will make me break into tears.

And without a warning, he sped to me.

He grabbed the back of my head, I was too stunned to react and just had my eyes widened. He went after my neck.

He did it again.

Thirst - The Dark Side (Book I of the Thirst Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now