Chapter 3 - Life Goes On

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A loud buzzing filled the room, vibrating through the wooden bedside table loudly. I tried to move but it felt like daggers were being pushed into the side of my head and I stayed planted firmly under the pillow surrounded by darkness as my eyes stayed immovably shut. Why did I keep doing this to myself, knowing this would be the outcome from drinking? A sigh of relief escaped my lips as the buzzing finally subsided. My eyes began to feel heavy again and my mind began to slip away as I was drifting back to sleep. Without any warning the buzzing started again, almost louder than before, forcing me to pay attention to it.

"Fuck!" I groaned slowly, stringing the word out by an extra syllable. Without lifting my head from under the pillow, I managed to grasp at the phone with one hand and pull it to my ear under my daylight barrier, answering it as I did.

"Hello." I mumbled crankily.

"Hey babe, how was last night?" Said a soft, affectionate voice. Fuck, it was Frank. My mind quickly raced over the events from last night. Ransom arriving, the incident outside, none of which I was comfortable telling Frank. I wasn't even sure what the hell actually happened, it all felt so surreal.

"Umm it was....uneventful and my head hurts." I finally replied, allowing a small pause as I carefully selected the right word to avoid having to go into any details.

"Jeez Luce, how much did you have to drink?" He replied with an irritated tone.

"Too fucking much." I grumbled, bringing my free hand under the pillow to rub my eyes as I attempted to prize them apart. "What time is it?"

He paused briefly before responding sarcastically, "I don't think you want to know."

"It's okay, you can tell me. I can take it." I begged, straining my voice as I spoke.

"Alright you asked for it. It's 4.30." He said sucking in through his teeth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Urrrgghhhh." Screaming into my mattress couldn't make me time travel, but it certainly helped me feel better.

"There goes my weekend." I groaned. Well now I really felt like shit. Frank tried to make me feel better but the optimism just wasn't doing it for me today.

"It's not all bad babe, you had a good time. Get up, have a shower, go for a run or something and you'll feel better." He encouraged. As if going for a run has ever helped with a hangover. But I couldn't be bothered arguing about it, so I lied.

"Yeah, you're right, I'll get on that right away. Speak to you later." I hung up after hearing him say goodbye and slammed my phone back on the side, keeping my head exactly where it belonged, under my pillow. The memories from last night crept back into my mind as I lay in my fortress. Why was Ransom looking at me like that? What the fuck was that about on the porch? Why the fuck did I enjoy him putting his hands on me? Over the years I had learnt that there was no way to ever understand what was going on in Ransom's stupid head. It was probably some ridiculous game to try and piss me off. Putting it behind me and forgetting it happened seemed like the best option for now at least. Sleeping my hangover away seemed like an even better one. The reality was though, if I slept now, I would be up in the middle of the night. That's not what I needed when I have to work tomorrow. So against my better judgement I rolled off the bed, grabbed my phone, threw a dressing gown over my dress that I hadn't managed to take off last night and crawled downstairs and into the kitchen.

When I entered, Dad was sat on his arm chair in the kitchen with a coffee in hand, looking over some paperwork of some sort.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." He said sarcastically, raising his head from his papers to smirk at me. I gave him my best grumpy glare before sitting on one of the stools and burying my face in my hands as I planted my elbows firmly on the breakfast bar.

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