Chapter 32 - The Darkness Consumes

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My eyes began to swell as my glance flickered between the gun and Ransom. He turned his head towards me, his eyes looked frantic, searching my face for a reaction. Why did he have it? What could he possibly need a gun for? As I continued passing my gaze between Ransom and the gun, he ran over to me, placing his hands on my arms.

"Lucy, it's not what you think baby okay?" He was speaking frantically, like he was panicking. "I can explain. Baby. Come sit down, please. I'm begging you." I stayed planted to the spot I was on, too scared to move as my eyes scanned every inch of its cold, blank surface. The whole thing screaming horror and evil.

"Ransom." I choked, "Why do you have it?" Tears were falling on my cheeks as I became more and more afraid with every passing second.

"Baby, listen." He continued frantically, trying to move his head in the way of my to block my view of the gun. "I'm just trying to protect you, okay? You're over reacting." Was I over reacting? Did he get it because he was worried about Charlie's murderer still being loose? I lost the ability to speak, my heart was pounding at three times its normal speed and my breathing was fast and uncontrollable. I felt like I was about to pass out as the room began spinning around me and my ears began ringing. Ransom gripped me tightly and managed to slowly guide me to the sofa, sitting me down gently before kneeling in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off of the gun, laying there on the table so casually. My mind kept going round in circles as Ransom was rubbing my leg, with his other hand lightly stroking my cheek in an attempt to calm me down. Charlie was shot. No he couldn't have. He was with me that night, but I couldn't shake the feeling. I needed to ask, for my own peace of mind. I brought my cloudy gaze up to meet his eyes, staring deep into them.

"Did you kill Charlie?" I choked.

"What? Baby, no, it's for protection. I need to be able to protect you." He said softly, leaning forwards to place a kiss on my lips, that I didn't return.

"Is this why you took me straight upstairs? Were you trying to get me out of the way?" I asked as tears streamed freely down my face.

"I didn't want to scare you baby." He replied, confirming my suspicions as he continued rubbing my cheek. My mind was racing, desperately wanting to believe what he was telling me, wanting nothing more than to put this to bed and return to how things were ten minutes ago, but something was niggling away at my brain. I thought back to that night, the images filling my mind of him shifting around on the bed as I slept. He said it wasn't him, why couldn't I just believe him and move on? But I couldn't drop it. I couldn't get over this evil object laying a mere few feet away from me.

"That night." I whimpered through the tears, "The night he died. You left didn't you? That's why I felt you shifting around on the bed that night." Ransom didn't say anything, he just stared at me intensely, searching my eyes, I don't know what for, but all of a sudden his temperament changed. He wasn't looking at me with hurt in his eyes any more, he looked angry, irritated. He stood up slowly, pulling his hand up to his face to push his thumb and finger against his temple.

"You weren't supposed to wake up." He growled, shaking his head in anger. Tears were flowing down my face freely, but adrenaline had begun coursing through me, giving me the confidence to carry on questioning him.

"I'm going to ask you this one last time, please don't lie to me." I choked, "Did you kill Charlie?" He didn't respond right away, but his eyes turned cold and his jaw clenched, giving me the answer I didn't want. I began panting heavily, closing my eyes, wishing I could be anywhere but here and shaking my head aggressively as I struggled to comprehend what was going on. Ransom became even more frantic than before, pressing both of his hands on my face and trying to pull my gaze back to him but I kept my eyes tightly closed.

His Possession - Ransom Drysdale X OCWhere stories live. Discover now