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Sila first because I believe in CheolSoo SUPREMACY


WARNING! Slight you know >.<

"Jisoo-yaaaah give me some attention will you? You said we will have some time together." Joshua looked up to see Seungcheol pouting while looking at him. He is currently making some bracelets.

"Seungcheol, we are having our time together now. You said you want to help me make bracelets for our carats."

"But I want your whole attentioooon." Seungcheol said with that super cute pout in his face. This however made Joshua smile a little bit. He always acts like this whenever they are alone together. Can you believe that the reliable and mature leader acts like a child with his boyfriend. Jisoo just chuckled lightly and ruffled the elder's hair.

"Don't pout like that okay? Why don't we watch a movie instead? I'll get the popcorns." He set aside the materials he was holding while making the bracelets.

"Can't I eat you instead?" Seungcheol said in a whispering manner.

"What?" Jisoo asked just to make sure he heard him right. He knew he heard him right.

"What? I said don't forget the drinks." He said while smiling innocently. Joshua just raised his eyebrow and smiled. He went closer to Seungcheol and whispered something that made the latter blush.

Joshua then stood up leaving a baffled and blushing leader.

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