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And now for the married couple.


Grunts were the only thing you'd hear from the room. Deep breaths and thumping sounds fills the entire space. Two men were heavily sweating with each breath.

"All right! That's it for today's gym workout session." Both of them grunted at the same time before walking towards the benches.

"Wooh! That was more intense than yesterday right Jiji?" Seungcheol asked while smiling widely, showing off his terribly adorable dimples and gummy smile that could lighten up even the blackest part of the world. Ehem, anyway.

Jihoon just glared at him before taking off his shirt. He does this every time they finish working out but Seungcheol still can't help but to stare.

"I told you to not call me that. It's annoying." Jihoon said with a huff when he took off his shirt and started to wipe off his sweat with it. And boy, someone is totally watching the whole thing. This caught Jihoon's attention.

"What are you staring at?" Seungcheol then snapped out of his thoughts and took a bottle of water. He watched from his peripheral view as Jihoon took another shirt and put it on. This made him sigh internally as he sipped from the bottle, his Adam's apple moving up and down with each gulp.

Jihoon watched the action, shirt in hand and standing frozenly.

'Why do I feel like sweating all over again?' Jihoon asked in his mind. He shook off the thought on continued to put on the shirt he was holding. He was a bit confused on why it smelled differently.

'Did we use a different detergent? And why is this bigger than my size?"


Jihoon looked at Seungcheol when he started coughing non-stop. He went to his side and patted his back multiple times. Jihoon laughed at the redness of Seungcheol's face when he stopped coughing.

"How can you choke on water in a bottle?"

"itsnitythewsysteryiyiweaijmydshrt" Seungcheol said while looking away, still red-faced.

"What? Seungcheol, I know you're a rapper but can you talk slower?" Seungcheol just sighed and faced him but still not looking directly at him. More like on the mirror behind Jihoon and he can see how red his face is.

"You're wearing my shirt." Seungcheol said in a low voice. Jihoon just raised his eyebrow.

"Oh? That's why it smells different. Wait let me just take it off." Jihoon without any second thought took the shirt off IN.FRONT.OF.SEUNGCHEOL.

Seungcheol can't do anything but watch. It seemed like the world got slower all of a sudden. Jihoon smiled at him while handing the shirt. The smile on his face then turned immediately into a concerned expression.

"Seungcheol! You're having a nosebleed!" Seungcheol then just suddenly felt something covering his nose that smelled like his perfume and something very heavenly.


Hi, sorry for the super late updates hehe. We were in the middle of hell month and there are so many activities given to us. Then there's seventeen's comeback, concert, and the need to vote.  And my imagination's really down right now.

Anyway, please comment any request huhu. I need inspiration.

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