Chapter 14 (Part 1) - Who The Heck Invented The Point Of HOPE?

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Guess what?

I hallucinated in school yesterday.

Guess what else?

It was in a classroom with him.

And can you guess what happened after that?

He rode on the ambulance with me back to the stupid hospital.

Guess what?

I HOPED that none of it would happen.

Do you see the far right corner of the room you are sitting in right now?

The one that is in front and to the right of you?

Do you see that gray clump sagging over there?

That's my last shred of dignity.

It's very small.

(Part 2)

My hands are shaking.


Is she talking to me?


Oh no.

"Wha- Sorry, what was the question?"

"I said, are you feeling okay?"

Stay naive Nina. Stay naive.

"I'm fine." I lie.

"Glad to hear that." she replies, though she still expresses a look of concern on her face.

I tuck my shaking hands underneath my thighs, trying to hide the physical reactions.

An attractive guy sitting in the chair in front of me turns around and does that chin lift, and winks as he says; "What's up, beautiful?"

I smirk, quirkily; "Who paid you?"

He frowns, and turns back around. 

An attractive guy sitting in the chair in front of me turns around and does that chin lift, and winks as he says; "What's up, beautiful?"

I smirk, quirkily; "Who paid you?"

He frowns, and turns back around.

Ten seconds later he turns back around with his phone out.

"Do you have facebook?"

I don't even have a phone.


I'll play along.

"Do you have twitter?"




"Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest?"

I hear Conor snort beside me.

I roll my neck out.

"No, no, and no."

"What do you have?"

"A life."

Conor snorts again.

"Oh. Can I have it for candy crush?"

Conor scoots his desk up; "Dude, fuck off, she doesn't want you."

The guy scoffs; "What? And she wants you?"

I shift uncomfortably. My hands are still shaking.

The guy turns around again with a frustrated huff.

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