🫧 ✶⋆⊰ 𝟎𝟎𝟓 ⊱꙳⚘ 🍼

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𝟓. ⍢⌠ That was never in my plans ⌡ツ

After seeing the result I can't stop crying, Oliver was in shock for about 5min and just told me "let's face this together".

It's not just saying, and he knows, I'm PREGNANT, I've got a human being inside of me, I've got a human being growing in my tummy, of course we're going to face this together, there's no other way. I'm not ready to being the motherfucking MOTHER of a kid, I'm not ready to have a CHILD, I'm not ready for anything that is happening to me.

I finally got up from the bathroom and went to Oliver's room, being followed by him and Regie who hasn't said a word since seeing the tests either, I'm sure his head is racing like mine and Oliver's.

Regie ━━━ it's ok guys, you'll make it.

Rebecca ━━━ please bro shut up please, I don't know why y'all are following me, I won't do anything crazy.

Sebastian ━━━ are you guys okay? — he asked entering the room.

Oliver ━━━ Bring water for Rebecca, please.

Sebastian ━━━ Alright, I'll be right back, — he said and went back to the kitchen.

Regie ━━━ How are you going to tell your parents or when are you going to tell them?

Rebecca ━━━ I don't know, I don't know what to do, I really wanna die — I said crying more and more.

It won't be easy to talk to our parents, my dad, he would be able to kill me, kick me out of the house or force me to break up with Oliver and I can't separate from him, even dead, I love Oliver more than anything in this world.

Oliver is the love of my life, it might seem an exaggeration that I'm referring to him as if it has no other people I love, but Oliver is my soulmate so to speak.

I also don't know how his parents' reaction will be, but mine I'm 100% sure it won't be a positive reaction, I'm going to suffer with all this, I'm just not going to let my baby get hurt and stay away from his father, just above of my corpse.

Oliver ━━━ When are we going to tell them? — broke the silence — we can't take too long, vacation will be over soon.

Rebecca ━━━ Oliver don't stress me about it please, I don't want to think about it now, I want to think about this child, what am I going to do with it, would abortion be an option?

Oliver ━━━ I won't let you abort my child Rebecca.

Regie ━━━ yes you are definitely parents and I'm going really crazy with this shit — he said getting up — I'll let you talk — he said and left.

Oliver ━━━ We're going to be parents, I don't know what to do — he threw himself on the bed — but let's do it together ok? — hugged me.

Rebecca ━━━ Of course we're going to do this together Oliver, who else would I do it with? You're the one who put this baby here , I have a baby in my womb, a baby, a baby is going to come out of my vagina, I'm going to be a mother, I don't know whether to cry out of happiness or out of despair. — I hugged him back.

17 Years and Pregnant ❝ 𝔒𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔶 ❞Where stories live. Discover now