~new enemy?~

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I woke up in a huge ass room, where am I? Oh wait shit. I'm here at Ashers. I hope.

From passing out last night and already by the feeling of my headache I got shit drunk last night and that's not a good sign.

The door quickly swung open and I saw Asher rush in.
"Oh you're awake! That's great, but you need to hurry up and get ready for school!" He quickly said and pointed to clothing on the side board which I had absolutely no idea that was there. Also the fact that he's offered... my brain wasn't even functioning properly and already I need to get dressed.

But I did as he said I got ready. Obviously I showered and did all the normal shit. I rushed downstairs to the kitchen where Asher was waiting for me.

I got to meet his mom, dad and younger sister Bella. Sadly it was just a quick hi and introduction but it was totally worth it. His family seems so sweet.

Asher and I had walked to school and I found out the shit I did last night and I for sure regret it.

"Ok but exactly what did I help you with?" I ask still shocked from hearing the shit I did.
"So you know the blue-eyed brunette that was there?" He starts to blush just from describing her.
"I don't remember shit so that's why I'm asking you?" I sarcastically roll my eyes laughing. I remember meeting a group of girls but to remember how they all look, it's like I have memory problems.
"Right! Well shes a blue-eyed brunette, just about your height and she's pretty as fuck! Her name is Emma." he started looking away from me as I knew he was blushing hard.
"So you have a thing for this Emma girl?" I smirk knowing exactly that he does and he can't deny it.
"Yeah but she as her eyes on Ian you see" his voice begins to soften.
"So what did I do?" I knew I said something about Ian.
"Well you actually really didn't, it was when you walked off to Ian it made her jealous..." He answered.

"So how did I help?" I was confused.
"Oh she thinks you like me but I know you don't because you have a thing with Ian I see there..." he winks.
"Oh shut up and carry on!" I lightly blush with a smile.
"She wants to have a chance with me and try and make you jealous..." he proudly said.
"Are you fucking stupid or some shit! She's not actually going to love you she's using you Asher! You realise that right..." I snap at him.
"I know but give it a chance at least! The least she could do is break my heart."
Men seriously are just absolute idiots.

I rolled my eyes out of annoyance and quickly grabbed his arms stopping us from walking. Slightly shaking my head he turns around to look at me.

"Asher... please take in what you just said and rethink it." I say.
"Just trust me veronica... please!" He gave me puppy eyes like some fucking weirdo... it was kind of cute though.
"I've only known you for a two days and I already feel like I've known you my entire life. I'm trying to look out for you, no ways you're just gonna shrug off the fact she's going to use you." I scoff.
"Give it a month at least..." he begs once again.
"Fine! But don't come crying to me about some bullshit on how she hurt you. And give me all right to say 'I told you say'" I agree and we just carry on talking.

I feel shit for letting him doing this because I know that it is toxic but the least I want is for him to have is hopes down.

We arrived at school said our goodbyes and parted our ways to our classes. Ian again was in my first lesson of the day. So I give him a smirk and wink before sitting down on the seat right in front of him. Is that our thing? Smirking and winking?

Time had passed, the lesson started and again the teacher was explaining some random shit that was boring. So I pulled my phone out and messaged Ian.

Yet again we were flirting back and forth. Honestly this man was perfect with flirting he's got me looking like a cherry here with my cheeks. well mostly because he sent this;
'Let's go on a date sometime. And I'm not taking no for an answer.'
I really have a man making me blush. In 2 days? What am I deprived of a man's love. I know myself to be better.

After class we chatted for a bit and then made our way to our next lesson.

The day had gone surprisingly quickly and end of school and somehow Asher, Ian and I found ourselves having a huge conversation in the school hallways as everyone was leaving.

I then saw Emma model her way towards us with her friends all behind her like some minions. "Guys..." I whispered to Ian and Asher grabbing there attention . Asher fixed himself all up and Ian just rolled his eyes.

"Annoying bitch" he mumbled.

"Hey Ian love!" She giggled and already got all touchy.
"What are you doing with this bitch?" She scoffed rolling her eyes at me and giving Ian an innocent smile.
"Hey I'm no bitch!" I add.
"Get off you slut!" He demanded throwing her off his arm and dusting em off.

She got offended quickly and it looked as if she was about to burst into tears.
"Why are like this Ian baby? You're not like this normally. I bet that bitch changed you didn't she!" She spoke in a high pitch voice.
"I'm not your baby I fucking hate you first of all. You're a delusional bitch, we were never anything. And you know that. And I've only known this "bitch", who her name is Veronica by the way not bitch, for 2 days so there is no way in hell someone can change me in that set time. And it's not even because of her. Bitch." He corrected her.

She snapped her head towards me and gave me a dirty look.
"I thought you'd be kinder since I called you hot, I take that all back now." I give her a sharp smile.

It went silent for a while as she just stood there with her devil eyes.
"What bitch am I really that gorgeous you have to stare so long? take a picture it'll last longer." I joke.

She just started tearing up and looked at Ian.

"How could you Ian!" She started crying.
"Choosing this ugly whore over me, how could you... I thought we were something." She once again cried.
"Once again, we weren't anything to begin with." He annoyingly sighed.

By now we had the students attention as the hall went dead quite and I already felt the crowds eyes around us.

"You're embarrassing yourself Emma. And yes I did choose this women over you because firstly she's not some slut like you, secondly she actually knows how to respect boundaries and thirdly she knows what friend-zone means." He spoke back giving her a sarcastic smile.

There was small laughs in the crowd and eyes shown towards Emma.

Emma looked all around her and you could see the embarrassment in her eyes. And with that her eyes were already flooded in tears and she stormed off, her friends soon to follow after.

Asher was silent the whole way through, can't blame him he had no choice but to, because if he choose a side he'd lose the other.

After that event everything went normal except the fact I might have anew enemy. But we had carried on our chat until two armed policemen walked in and came towards us or lets say me...

I already knew this was about my mom.

A/n: I know this chapter took longer than expected to do but I've been dealing with shit so bare with me.
Also finally getting into the juicy bits now! So the next chapters are is going to get even juicer so that's exciting!

Anyways luv y'all<3

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