🚧Aizawa is 31-32 and reader is in her 18-very early 20s, dont like dont read 🚧
Mic was sitting on his couch tapping his pen against his notebook when he heard knocking on his front door, how could that be? He has two fences that you would have to get threw before you could make it to the door and the only people who know the codes are him and his daughter-
A smile spread across his face as he booked it to the door, he threw it open and quickly wrapped you in a tight hug. Once he put you down you were quickly ushered inside "How are you here? I thought you decided to stay and do bonus classes?" You gave him a smile as you took a seat on the couch "I had to stay late for a lot of classes for a long time but I did all the bonus work so I could come visit. I missed you." He sat next to you pulling you into another hug "I missed you too princess! Let me call everyone, i'll bet they'll wanna see you again too!"
None of them have gotten to see you since they all waved you off the day you left for collage. So they second everyone got Mic's text it was a race to see who could get their first;
Midnight was the winner, driving 90 in a 45 how could she not be, then All Might and a few other heroes and radio employees that watched you grow up came over. A few minutes after everyone left another knock came at the door, your dad opened it and over his shoulder you could see his best friend, Shota Aizawa.
He came in and you quickly hugged him "Hi Mr. Aizawa." "Hi F/n." When the hug was over you moved back and saw Aizawa eyes roam over your body before he whistled, telling you how much you've grown and complementing your 'pretty face'.
There was no suspension on your dad's face, no anger or annoyance in his voice as he spoke to him because Aizawa isn't some old pervert hitting on his daughter, hes a logical and trustworthy fiend. Your dad's known him for years, theres no way he could have any hidden motivations to his words.
"I have a great idea! We should all go out for drinks! Well we can go out for drinks, she can dance." Aizawa smiled "You paying?" Mic rolled his eyes but agreed as you went to put on a 'going out' outfit.
You were having the time of your life! You never really went to parties at collage but when your dad is a professional DJ and a party man he wouldn't rest till he got you on the dance floor with him! After about an hour of dancing with your dad you let out a sigh of tiredness "Im gonna go sit with Mr. Aizawa! Have fun!" "Oh I am!" You giggled as you went back into the privet room he bought for you guys to find Aizawa still at the table slowly drinking his whisky "Hey."
You gave him a smile as you sat next to him "Hi Mr. Aizawa." He bumped your shoulder "Your grown now, call me Shota. You want a drink?" Your eyes widened a bit "Dad doesn't want me drin-" He smiled as he slide a second glass of whisky to you winking "Hizashi doesn't have to know." Aizawa was always cool, letting you stay up past your bedtime or giving you candy after Mic said you had to many.
You grabbed the glass and took a sip before abruptly chocking, the burn in the back of your throat catching you off guard. He laughed as he rubbed your back "Your alright, calm down, breath." He handed you a water you happily took quickly chugging down, you slid the whisky back to him making him laugh harder.
After he drank yours and his whisky he placed a hand on your thigh "You know ive seen your type so much and yet it still confuses me." "Huh?" He laughed "You know, your type, the ones who are all work and no fun but not on their own choice. So focused on making your dad proud, having to study, study, study. Every club you've ever joined, every honers class you've ever sighed up too, all those internships you apply for in hopes your dad will tell you hes proud of you."
Your breath hitched when the hand on your thigh slid a bit more up giving a light squeeze "In that mission to get Mic's approve you pushed everything else on the back burner like going on dates, staying out past curfew, or sneaking out to party. And old habits die hard so now in collage, a full adult, and your still working yourself to a burnout just to make dear old dad smile. You know if I was your daddy id tell you I was proud of you everyday because you just being happy is enough for me."
As he talked softly right into your ear his hand moved closer and closer to your privet area making your face burn like fire. Suddenly the door burst open and Aizawa quickly moved back to his own place grabbing a third glass of whisky as Mic and some girl wrapped around his arm walked into the room "Heyo-! Sweetie are you alright?" He came over and placed the back of his hand on your forehead "Your burning up." You quickly stood "Actually im not feeling to well, I think im gonna head home." It was only a half lie, yeah you wanted to get away from Aizawa but your head is starting to spin.
Aizawa stood and grabbed your arm "I can drop her off for you, I know your probably not ready to leave." You wanted to yank out his grasp and run into your dads arms but the way he was holding your arm stopped you from fear of what the trained pro hero, whos way of handling villains bordered on vigilantism most of the time would do to you "Thanks Sho! Your the best friend a man could have! Go home and sleep sweetness ill be home soon, love ya."
He and the girl went back to the dance floor as Aizawa lead you outside and into his car before driving off. You started feeling nauseous and the neon city lights are all starting to blur and blend together "Mr. Aizawa I think I need a hospital." You couldn't turn your head but by the sound of his laugh he was smiling "Your not dying dear, thats just what I put in your water taking affect finally, let it lure you to sleep and daddy will tuck you in when we get home."
(1210 Words)
When he says daddy he dont mean dad... thats all I can say 👀
{Oh and an update! If you didn't see my post, I applied to be a delivery driver for Dominos, they emailed me asking if I could take some time to answer some questions and I emailed back yes so now im waiting, I hope I get the job}

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4
أدب الهواةJust some Yandere x Reader One Shots {Female Pronouns} Obviously ⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️ Read at your own discretion May contain Mha/Vigilantes spoilers (That includes both manga's as well) None of these images are mine This story has no post scheduled