Journal Entry One:
As much as I don't want to do this Mic says in case I die it might be good to have this so my future people know what's out there so I will. Im Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead a monster hunter for the royal guard and ill be documenting my adventures in here...if I have the energy.
Journal Entry Forty-Nine:
I had finally caught the loud bastard that had been stealing from our campsite all week!
Me and a small group of 3 were camping out by a small stream off the northwest of the fairy woods trying to catch just that, a fairy. We noticed at first small things going missing, mostly shiny things, and at first we thought it was a fairy but then one of us found a white feather with yellow underneath and Aizawa knew, a harpy. A big one.
It took only two days to catch the thing in a bear trap, but as I was about to silence its an arrow flung past my head so close it rang louder than the harpy in my ear, as did the voice behind me. A young-sounding woman screamed at me to get away from "Hizashi".
I turned around expecting one of those freaks that want to protect things that would kill them without a second thought but what I saw stopped me in my tracks.
Wilted vines a pale green color wrapped from her toe to her knees, what seemed to be banana leaves were wrapped around her waist another wilted vine around her waist im guessing to keep the leaves in place, she wore nothing to cover her chest so I quickly lifted my eyes to her face and that's when I saw them, her pointy ears the things that told me for 100% sure she was one of them.
It took me far too long to realize she was holding a makeshift bow, in fact, im sad to say I hadn't realized until she shot her second arrow down from the hill. This one making its home in my clavicle. I groaned out in pain as she summoned an arrow out of thin fucking air! and ready it aiming right at me she screams at me again "Last warning! The last one will be threw your eye human scum!"
And that's when I realized the woman didn't have a bad aim, no, she was doing this on purposely. I should not have been afraid, I've dealt with monsters who looked way scarier than her with hand-to-hand combat but something about her radiated power and authority and with the amount of blood im losing I did what seemed smartest. I ran from the injured harpy and all the way back to the camp making us all leave empty-handed.
"Shota what your describing is something I've never heard of before." Oboro said to me as he shook his head, handing me back the crappy little picture I drew. I turn to Kayama but she shakes her head as well before taking a drink of her beer causing me to sigh.
And that's how I found myself here, tucked away in a little tent as the rain poured down on it. How stupid can I possibly be! Coming alone all just to try and see what the hell that thing was.
As stupid as I felt im here now so, I might as well find her.
♡Change Of Pov♡
You finished healing Hizashi before the downpour started "Upset huh?" You nodded as Hizashi shook his wet feathers "Sorry Zashi, sometimes my emotions get the better of me. I'll stop soon." He smiled "I know, see you around my goddess." "Goodbye." You chuckled before the wet harpy ran off into the forest.
Now you walking threw the door pour, deep breath in deep breath out, you need to stop this rain before a mudslide happens because that's going to be a true pain to clean up. Suddenly you felt something wrap around your leg, when you looked down you smiled "Hello Eri, how are you?" The little fairy fluttered her damaged wings "The sky water is cold."
Picking the young girl up you continued your walk "Im sorry, but look it stopped," bopping her nose you continued "all thanks to you." "Really momma!" "Yep!"
You placed the young girl down right before you heard it, the voice. Turning you pulled Eri to hide behind you, the same human that hurt your harpy was standing before you "If you are here to arm any more of my creations I promise you won't be leaving my forest this time."
The man help his hands up, a human sigh of surrender as he went to speak again "No im not here to hurt anyone. I want to know more about you-" "Documenting me so you can come back with your team to catch me! Im sick of you human's doing things just because you can! I-" "No! Im not documenting anything! I want to know more about you simply because your enchanting, I cant get you out of my head!"
"Is he trying to take my wings momma!?" You turned to Eri, giving her a hug "No baby, he's not gonna hurt you I promise. Go play with the others, momma will handle him." When you let her go she ran off into the deep brush beside the two of you. Turning back the man looked sad "Her wings-" "A human tried to harvest them, so I harvested his heart to show him how much pain he caused her. Unfortunately, humans are much weaker than fairies and he sub-came to his injuries."
"She called you 'momma' but you don't look like a fairy." "Im not her mother, her mother was killed by your kind. I am like her mother though since I created her, im the goddess of the woods and protector of the creatures." He nodded "Amazing. Please come back to my camp I have so many questions for you." "Why should I trust you?" To your surprise, the man stripped down to his undergarments "I don't want to hurt you or your children and in fact if you come with me not only will I never hurt any of them again but ill help to protect them! Please just come with me!"
Such a desperate man you thought but you agreed, once less annoying human hurting your babies is better than nothing and all you have to do is answer questions about yourself, sounds like a great deal!
"And that's about it." The man, whom you now know as Shota basically had stars in his eyes when you looked at him. Standing from the log you were perched on you stretched "Alright time for you to go." "Could you walk me was raining when I came and now im lost." Humans, pathetic little things, so you agreed. Once at the edge of the forest you stopped "Something wrong Protector?" "F/n, and I don't leave the forest. Ever." He nodded and opened his arms "Humans hug during you think I could get one, F/n?" "Sure Shota."
You walked a step out of the woods and let him pull you to him, and that's when you felt it. A sting in your back. You felt completely wrong; your vision blurred, you lost balance, and worst of all you couldn't scream as you began to black out.
When you came back to the world of the living you heard multiple new voices "Wow Shota, so she is real." "I can't believe you got such a powerful spirit all on your on."
Slowly you stood and tried to back up only for cold metal bars to hit your back alerting the three figures of your now awake status and you to the fact you were in a giant fairy cage "Good morning F/n!" "Shota how could you! I trusted you!" He shrugged "That's on you, not me. I refuse to feel sorry for your decisions."
You couldn't believe him, moving forward you felt the rub of fabric on your normally bare legs coming to the reality the man had dressed you in human garments and that pissed you off more, such filthy trash touching your goddess skin "You saw Eri! How could you take me from my babies!"
He shrugged "I can go get Eri if that would please you." He suddenly perked up "Would it please you?" "You promised!" "I lied."
You huffed as you turned your back to him, sitting down you closed your eyes but no matter how hard you focused you couldn't hear any of your creators anymore "Oh my goddess you might be mad at me now but none of that will matter in time, I promise you'll grow to love me and your new life as my beloved wife."
"I bow to no man, especially not you. I'll get out of this prison and when I do im going to grow a tree inside your stomach so you die a slow painful death of being ripped apart by the very thing you continue to disrespect." Aizawa smiled between the bars of your cage "Mhm, so feisty. Im glad it will be a challenge to break you or it wouldn't be as rewarding once I succeed."
(1539 Words)

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4
FanfictionJust some Yandere x Reader One Shots {Female Pronouns} Obviously ⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️ Read at your own discretion May contain Mha/Vigilantes spoilers (That includes both manga's as well) None of these images are mine This story has no post scheduled