𝓛𝓸𝓰𝓼 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Video Log 1:

"Day 5, on the ship. Hey earth team, tomorrow I'll land on the strang rogue planet that's forced its way into our sun's orbit about a month ago. Getting a closer look at it from the windows of my ship it looks weird like destroyed kinda weird. When I land ill be able to tell for sure. Well till then L/n out." 

Voice Log 1: 

"Day 6, just stepped out the ship. Earth team I wish you could see this. It's fucking crazy! This planet looks like a nuclear war took place on it! I have high doughts that this planet is capable of life much less vegetation- HOLY SHIT-!" 

Video Log 2:

"D-Day 6, on the planet. Are you seeing what im seeing! That's a person- alien? Fucking thing off in the distance! I- I feel like I should approach it...."

Video Log 3: 

"Day 12, on the ship. Im sorry I haven't been updating, when you guys see this your going to- No Hizashi don't bite that-!"

Video Log 3.1:

"Still day 12, still on the ship. Again sorry I haven't been updating you guys but I've had my hands full." The video paned over to a slinky greyish thing built like a very tall man with a food packet in between his sharp teeth, when he noticed the camera on him he picked his hand up showing off sharp claws and made a waving motion "I taught him that!"

Voice Log 2:

"Night 13, in my sleeping quarters. Mic, that's what im calling him because he repeatedly tried to eat my mic, seems to be the last of his kind. Im not sure what happened to his species but from what I've seen it couldn't have been peaceful. He lived in a hole, he showed it to me the day we meet, but ever since I've shown him the ship he doesn't want to go back to the hole. In fact, he's curled up on the bottom of my bed as I speak, I can't blame him, what a lonely existence."

Written Log 1:

Day 16, locked myself in the bathroom because I need to be alone and believed Mic has no concept of personal space.

If your wondering why this isn't one of the official logs we agreed on, well, I've cried my throat hoarse. Apparently, Mic's species has a power that lets them project memories into others' heads, and I made the mistake of asking if there were others like him. I  hate reliving this memory that I now share with him but I just, need to tell someone about this! It's eating at my sanity! 

He held his hand out to me, it was glowing. I grabbed it as he wanted me to and suddenly my vision was filled with images of a young kid running threw a horrible battlefield screaming for his mother. He was picked up by a man and rushed over to a hole stuffing him in "I'll come back for you. Stay put!" 

He let my hand go as I began to shake. I asked if that was his father and he nodded yes. My previous statement was correct, he lost his family in the worst way possible.

Video Log 4: 

"Day 20, on the ship. Hello earth team. Me and Mic have been talking recently, he knows things I've never told him and I think it's from when we shared memories. Im supposed to go back to earth in a few days and Mic knows, he seems upset and doesn't hang around the ship even half as much as he used to. Kinda miss him." 

Video Log 5: 

"Day 24, on ship. Hey earth team! I know this is supposed to be the day I take off back for earth but I can't. I can't leave Mic, he's been alone almost his whole life, im the first person he's had in so long that I refuse to leave him all alone again. I've put the ship on autopilot because you guys of course are gonna want these logs, my findings, and the equipment but I won't be accompanying them." Mic came up behind you wrapping his arms around you and snuggling into your shoulder "Mic says he knows away so that I can live on this planet without my suit so please dont worry about me. Oh and please dont try to come to this planet, Mic doesn't want to hurt you but he said he will if he needs to. Goodbye earth!"


(762 Words)

Up Next: Creepier Aizawa

Idea from 8Daddyissues8 's yandere erasermic book, go read it if you haven't!

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4Where stories live. Discover now