Your father dragged you into the kitchen by your ear "What are you doing to my poor baby?" You both looked up to see your mother string a pot of gumbo on the stove "She went out again-" "Yeah, kids are meant to be outside playing. Stop scaring her and let her be a child." Your father rolled his eyes "I done told you women, theres-" Your mother cut him off with an eye roll "'There are things out there itching to get their hands on her.' I've heard that stupid folk tale one too many times since I married you."
She turned to you "Im sorry little pecan your pop-pop scared him so bad when he was little he hasn't gone into the woods since, now he expects you to be cooped up in the house 24/7." "Aint no folk tale! He's real!" Your mother never was one to argue so she simply asked you to come help her cook.
Your father grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze "Promise me you won't go back to the house." You couldn't take it any longer "Why!? You can't just keep me locked inside my whole life then tell me to hit the road after you die!" He sighed "Your right, I do owe you an explanation."
"Your granddaddy always told me not to wander too far from camp when we went hunting but I didn't listen. I was walking when a dark being began to follow me and I panicked and started running, the worst thing you can do. So three days in and im cold, hungry, and wet...and that's when he came to me-" "Who?" "Don't interrupt. Him, The arbre bougre, he takes the lost and turns them into creatures of the night. When he came to me I was able to make a deal...."
You hadn't realized you were holding your breath until he stopped "What was the deal?" He frowned, tears starting to form in his eyes "My life for the hand of my first daughter." You gasped as you realized what your father gave to the evil spirit "How could you?" "Never thought I'd have a child, im sorry. Please run as far from this place as you can...." The monitor going off next to you caused you to jump. Nurses ran in and ushered you out as they tried, and failed, to revive him.
Everything made sense, why your father never wanted you out of the house to why he tried too hard to get the money to move you all out the house.
You wanted to hed your father's warning for what it was but at the same time you had things in the house that you can't replace. Run in run out, easy right?
You grabbed the last of your things and shoved it into the book bag and rushed to your father's old truck. But before you could make it to the door you were tackled to the ground. You looked up to see a handsome man above you, but the eyes as green as tree leaves in spring gave him away "Tree man." He smiled "Did pops finally tell you what he gave away that cold winter night?" "You made him!"
He shook his head "Oh pops lied to you, so sad." He stood while throwing you over his shoulder "I didn't make him do anything, he did it out of his own free will. I told him it was time to go and he practically got on his knees offering me all kinds of things, can't fault a lonely man for choosing the wife now can ya?"
(685 Words)
Up Next: Mic
My grandpa was telling urban legends and it gave me the idea for this, the arben bougre isn't an actual cajun story tho its just something I made up for this story
So my grandpa only really taught me basic phrases and words when I was little in cajun french so it was kinda hard to remember words lol
The arben bougre - The tree man {I think}

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 4
FanfictionJust some Yandere x Reader One Shots {Female Pronouns} Obviously ⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️ Read at your own discretion May contain Mha/Vigilantes spoilers (That includes both manga's as well) None of these images are mine This story has no post scheduled