Chapter 4

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A month later i have succeeded on avoiding him like the plaque, i started working that Monday and been here a month, thank goodness i work as a surgeon, so i never get to see anyone outside the theatre room. I've been feeling tired these last couple of days and very hungry, but think its due to the amount of work i do and lack of meals during the day. Not the first time... When i was in my residency, i use to live on 2 hours of sleep a day. At the moment we are waiting for an 8 year old child that was in a car crash, the parents are okay just broken bones, but he's apparently not. When he arrives i was stunned at the person who brought him here, should have guessed that it being an emergency he will take over. He doesn't look at me when he starts talking, explaining the situation. While ticking and writing on the clipboard. Okay is everything ready to start? Yes he is... he finally looks up, and lets just say, if we were in a cartoon he's eyes will jump out of their sockets and he's head would explode. Janet??? I nod. hello Dr. Stevens its nice to see you again.

He looks at my badge and clears his throat. Good afternoon Dr. Williams. We head in there theatre. Through out the surgery he watches my every move and procedures very carefully once I'm done. I write on the clipboard and tell him everything he needs to know keeping things professional then hand the clipboard back to the nurse, explaining to her few other things then walk out like nothing is going on between us. My next patient is coming in 10 minutes so i go through her file, its a simple c-section procedure. I checked if all papers are signed and vitals are normal. Once done i walk to the dressing room to drink some water, before, heading in again. Once my shift ends and all my rounds are done i head to the dressing room and took off my scrubs. I stretch my muscles i feel really tired this was a long 12 hour shift. I had back to back surgeries. I walk out and head to my truck only to find Bryan leaning against it. I sigh and open my door throwing my bag in. You didn't tell me you were a surgeon? I'm not just a surgeon Bryan i specialize in all the categories thats why i only finished a few months ago, but I'm still not done still have 5 years to go then I'm fully done... I start next year again with that, the hospital has agreed for me to do my residency here.

What's your last one? He asked. Management... Is all i say. Look I'm tired i wane head home and shower and go to bed. So I will be saying I goodbye and see ya around. I get in the truck but he stops me. Want to tell me why you ran away?? I shake my head tried to get in my truck but he blocks me again. I won't leave till you tell me why... I groan. Because!!! you already know the answer Bryan. He looks at me irritated. You came on to me Janet, then you up and leave in the middle of the night never to be seen again... What do you want me to say!!! That i fucked up then ran from my mistake, because that's what i did Bryan!!! He moves closer to me and i take a step back. Janet i know you have feelings for me, i felt it when we kissed and made love... He moves even closer to me, realizing that he was about to kiss me when i push him away. No!!! Is all i say i push him aside  and got in my truck and closed the door and drove off with him standing there confused? The next 2 months went by quickly and my life started to get back on track, where there was a well balance between work and horses, my Lilly bear is completely healed so is Everest, Bryan stood by his promise to fix him, but i did not dare go see him. He will arrive everyday greet my parents and Lilly then move to the stables for an hour then leave again.

Lilly is back on the horse in the beginning she was scared but got over it now she's jumping and going on like nothing happened. After that i didn't see Bryan only every now and then at work. It was awkward at first but we got use to it later on. Today is the day that i go and pick up my new baby boy the friesian colt he's officially 7 months old and i can't wait to see him. I pack his traveling kit and halter in the two berth its a 3 day drive just as i was hanging up the tack and stocking the cupboards full of snacks, treats, feed and hay, i hear a truck coming to a stop next to mine. Its most likely my dad coming from town. Hey dad did you get everything i need for the trip? Silence so i turn around and low and behold Bryan was there with his traveling bag. What are you doing here Bryan? He shrugs. I'm here to go with you to help fetch your colt, i promised you months ago i would and I'm someone who keeps my promises... I shake my head you don't have to... Well i want to... I nod, then turn around to finish what i was doing. That your clothes? Yeah and took leave for a week. I hear you're on extended hours now not straight shifts anymore... Yeah they moved me there for when they need another surgeon, so they asked me to move which i don't mind... He laughs. Yeah who doesn't when you work 6 days then 8 days off shifts... I smile and nod. Yeah but from 12 hour shifts to basically staying there the whole 6 days working is hectic... Yeah but at least they allow you to sleep in between... Yeah that's great but till your pager goes off mid sleep and you're on the clock again. But your  Pay is atleast better?? I nod. Yeah very good by the looks of things i will be able to open my own practice in two years... I turn around and squint my eyes at him. How do you know of the things going on in the shifts? He laughs. I specialize in surgery too you know, and medicine... He says in a duh tone. Oh i did not know that... Thought kids was your only option... Now it was his turn to squint and raise a eyebrow. No... But I wanted to go further. But i decided to stop to do the farrier and a few equine courses. I look at him surprised. Wow that's amazing Bryan. He shrugs then gives me a flirtatious smile. Not as amazing as you doing everything, sticking to it and being a mom, having 2 jobs all the while studying, making it look easy...

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