Chapter 9

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A month later i was sitting in the hospital's bathroom staring at a positive pregnancy test in hand. How did this happen... I thought he couldn't have children... Just before i had the chance to think further the door opens and i hear two nurses coming in the bathroom, talking about one of the patients treatment in their ward. I got up throwing the test in the bin nexto the toilet and walk out the booth to go and wash my hands. Oh good evening Dr Williams... Good evening ladies, been a busy night sofar? Yes it has patients have been coming in all night... We might have three for surgery soon... Just waiting on doctor thorn to come and confirm it. I nod. Thank god for the distraction. I look at them and smile. Have a good evening ladies... Same to you doctor. I walk out the door and went to the theatre again waiting on my next patient. This is going to be a long night... I had to do double shifts today due to the one surgeon being sick. So I offered to stand in for her.

When i get off work i walk to my truck and a sudden wave of nausea rush over me and i run to the trash throwing up all my food i had earlier. A hand grab my hair while rubbing my back. Are you okay sweetheart... The voice i have grown to love asks me. I sigh and take the tissues from his hand and rub my mouth. Yeah just tired, and my body is working against me... Thought you doing day shift? I nod i do... Then why were you coming out of the hospital just now? I Offered to stand in for one of the surgeons that was sick... He nods. Don't over work yourself sweetheart please... Like you care! i tell him. What are you doing here? I'm on my way to see one of my little patients... And i do care about y... Don't Bryan!! Please don't... i choke out, my hormones getting the better of me. I suddenly remember last nights test and jolt up straight and run to my truck, to get away from him. I'm too scared i blurt out that I'm pregnant. I start the truck leaving a confused man thats been calling my name for the last few seconds behind. I decided to go to my doctor's office to get an appointment. When i get there I was lucky to get one now. So few minutes later she walks in and confirms that I am in fact pregnant. I lay on the bed while she does a sonar. Looks like your about 3 months in... All looks healthy. And congratulations... She looks in my eyes seeing the panick in them. She sighs and rubs the jelly off and lets me get up. Okay we have been friends for ages tell me whats going on Janet... I tell her what happened and how the doctor told Bryan that he could never have children, but here i am with his child growing in me. And i tell her that we are no longer together so it'll be another child without a father... We talk for a while till i feel a little calmer, i thank her and walk out of the doctors office. I get home and took a shower and headed to the kitchen for some yogurt, its the only thing i seem to keep in my stomach.

I grab a tub and spoon, while walking outside to the swinging chair in the corner of the front deck. I sit on it while eating my yogurt thinking on what to do... I need to tell him but what if he doesn't believe me... How am i going to tell everyone... I know they will be ecstatic, but how will this work... With my busy job, lilly and her contact which will start in a month after she finnishes the school year. Then all the traveling etc that will be difficult with me being pregnant and having to raise one on the road will be difficult... Luke comes in the gait and parks nexto my truck he hopes out and walks to the same chair that I'm sitting in joining me. Okay what is it that you want to talk about? Because if it's about you wanting me i have to decline I'm no longer a free m... Im pregnant!! I blurt out. He thinks for a second till the words sink in, making his eyes snap to mine. Your serious? I nod. He gets up and paces up and down, till he stops and turns to me. I thought he couldn't have children? I thought so too but here i am... Three months pregnant... He shakes his head and starts to pace again. Are you going to tell him? I don't know... Awhile later we decided we will go out. I got dressed and  we headed out. my stomach is growing and my back is aching more everyday, we thought it was a boy but to our surprise it's twin boys the other one was hiding behind his brother, at first the doctor thought the baby had grown two hearts and extra limbs, only to realise there's twins in here. to say i'm nervous is putting it lightly. As we drive i see the snow slowly melting letting us know that its almost spring time... This is the time we worry about the roads, it being very slippery. We stop at an intersection and Luke put the radio on.

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