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You fold your arms across your chest, staring with satisfaction at the screen in front of you. All of the Dauntless initiates' names are listed, rankings visible for all to see. Stage One of training has just finished, and you're third out of everyone there. Not bad, considering all of the work you've put in over these last few weeks.

"Look at us. Who would have thought?" You glance to your side to see Peter approaching. You grin, turning back towards the rankings. "You're second and I'm third. Figured we'd be the best." Peter smirks at that. "Of course. Guess us Candor were always pretty good, right?" You chuckle at that, feeling a tinge of pride seep into you. You've worked hard over this first part of training, and it's certainly paid off. Thinking about it now, you start to plunge into the memories of your time at Dauntless.

The Choosing Ceremony had been easy enough. Honestly, being able to shrug off all the responsibilities that would have come with staying true to your former faction, Candor, felt amazing. You didn't regret a thing when you dashed your blood into the coals of Dauntless, even when you looked up and saw the betrayed stare of your parents. They would hate you for the rest of your life and theirs, that much was true, but finally your future is in your own hands once again.

You had been the second jumper off of that building after the ceremony. You knew it was important to be one of the earlier jumpers, to make an impression, but you also didn't want to be the first in case the whole thing turned out to be a trick. The jump itself was a dizzying rush, and you felt a laugh bubble out of your throat as you fell. You had landed on a net far below the roof, and you had lain there for a second, staring up at the circle of daylight above you.

Then, there had been a movement beside you, someone helping you off of the net and back onto your feet. You had stood up, still clinging to your adrenaline-charged grin, and come face to face with one of the most attractive boys you'd ever seen. He gave you a once over, taking in your rumpled black jacket, its white detailing blending into your white shirt and black pants.

"Ah, so you're a Candor. I'm Four, one of the leaders here at Dauntless. What's your name, initiate?" You had hesitated a second, pausing over the sensation of his hands, which remained on your hips despite the fact that you had gotten off of the net a while ago. "Y/N. My name is Y/N." Four nods, then turns his head to shout to the gathered crowd of Dauntless onlookers. "Second jumper: Y/N!"

You head to the side amidst the sound of cheers coming from the Dauntless. One of them, a girl who only appears to be a few years older than you, walks up to you. "So you're Y/N. Gotta say, you've barely been here a few seconds and you're already the it girl." You frown up at her. "What?" She laughs, jerking her chin towards Four, who's helping the third jumper down from the net. "I'm talking about him. Four doesn't like people, and he certainly doesn't stare into initiates' eyes for that long." You glance back at her, watching as she smirks one last time before walking away. Well, you wanted to make an impression. Guess that's already happened.

Your first day is everything you had hoped it to be and more. You discard your black and white clothing for darker shades, then follow Four and the other leader, Eric, into the training room. You're taught a few basic moves and even get to spar a little bit before it's time to head to dinner. There, you search around the room for somewhere to sit before Peter Hayes, a boy from your old faction, calls you over. He's sitting with Christina, who's also from Candor, as well as first jumper Tris and a couple of other initiates.

You greet the others, starting to grab some food as you're hungry from all that sparring practice from earlier. Christina, Peter, and the other initiates start up a conversation, making fun of each other's factions. You just stay silent, but Peter eventually turns to you as a means of defense after Candor gets beaten down too many times. "Hey, Y/N's from Candor, too. She can agree with me." You look at him, starting to feel panic pressing in around you.

Four/Tobias Eaton ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now