21 First Meet, Huh?

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Darshan / Someone / Sara

// 15 mins after the awkward phone call//

Darshan walks out of his bathroom fully dressed, drying his hair, to find SOMEONE sitting on his bed - scrolling through her cell. He plops on the bed beside her.

Did you see my cell? Did it ring?

Were you expecting a call?

Yeah, we usually talk at this time!!

Who? Minion-The-Food-Monster???

She called?? Pass my phone!! Tia!!

Wait, she is the one you have been talking about, isn't she??

Yeah! Now pass my phone...

She called and asked about you, then hung up after getting awkward...

Hanging up is her habit but awkward...that's very rare...unless I tease her...

OMG! I think she thought I was your girlfriend... *LAUGHS* Your girl is jealous...

She is not my girl...

*gives him a look*

Not yet...

You know what, I'm gonna call her and pull her leg. Make her jealous and stuff... *giggles*

Darshan tries to stop Tia but she wins anyway.

*Asshole-Who-Needs-To-Explain Calling...*

"Hello? Darshan?"

"You!! I am Darshan's girlfriend. Do you know who I am?"

"Surely not someone people know exists."

*Darshan laughs in the background*

"How dare you make fun of me? And how dare you flirt with my boyfriend??"

"I would say keep your dog at the leash!"

*Tia muffles her laughter*

"You called me a dog!"

"It was a metaphor, shithead!"

"Dude I'm his cousin sister, not his girlfriend, no need to get jealous. He's your man!"

*muffled curse*

"Why did you think she is my girlfriend?"

"I don't know... maybe because you butt-dialed me and I heard--"


Darshan snatches his phone from his sister and runs away, putting it off the speaker.

"I was...you know... IWasMasterbating!!!!"

*He speaks in one breath* *flushed*

*flushed* "Umh... yeah...alright...Actually give your phone to your sister..."

"I did rather talk to her" *mumbles*

"We should hang out! You sound Amazing!!!"

"Yeah, I don know about that, Darshan..."

"You don't need his permission!!"

"I wasn't asking his permission! I was saying that Darshan and I haven't met yet..."

"What did I expect from this asshat!" *sighs*

"My college is arranging a Food Fest this Friday. Do you two maybe... wanna join?"


*claps excitedly* "Yes we are joining you! Don't worry about this idiot, I'll get him! Send deets..."

"Yeah sure... Well, I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye Minion-The-Food-Monster" *giggles*

"Minion the what--?"


It's been a while since I found someone as crazy like me... *chuckles*

First meet, huh?



Marvel or DC??

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