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The next morning Nathan heads to check in with his boss, along with Brian.
"Okay, here they are, fresh from Toretto's hot rod heaven," Bilkins says as Nathan and him walk into the room.
"Four hijackings in two months, and we have nothing. The DVD players and digital cameras are worth $1.2 million which brings the grand total to $6 million plus," Sarge explains causing Nathan to look down, knowing he hasn't been working his hardest.
"We're in the political crosshairs now, O'Conner's. That's why you're both undercover," Bilkins adds as he looks between Nathan and Brian.
"What does the truckdriver say?" Nathan asks them, trying to take the attention off of him and Brian.
"He gave us the same M.O.: Three Honda Civics, precision driving, the same green neon glow from under the chassis. Lab says the skidmarks came back the same: Mashamoto ZX tires. So, we know it's somebody in the street-racing world," Sarge answers as he looks at Nathan.
"If we don't make this case, the truckers will take matters into their own hands," Bilkins says with a sigh. "I tell them we're close. Are you going to make me a liar?"
"Look, what do we know? We know this world revolves around Toretto, right? I'm not saying that he's the one that's popping these trucks but I can guarantee he knows who is. It's just a matter of time until I find..." Nathan explains trying to keep them away from Dom.
"You want time, buy the magazine. We don't have time. Just get me something I can use," Bilkins tells him before Nathan and him walk outside. "Is Harry cooperating?"
"Like a guy that'll do time for receiving stolen property if he doesn't," Nathan answers him with a nod.
"What kind of vibe is he getting from Toretto?" Bilkins asks as he watches Nathan.
"He's scared of him, but he doesn't think he's jacking trucks in his spare time. He's too controlled for that," Nathan explains as he looks around the house.
"Wait. Not that I want to contradict Harry's fine judge of character but Toretto did hard time for nearly beating a guy to death. He's got nitrous oxide in his blood and a gas tank for a brain. Do not turn your back on him," Bilkins explains as Nathan has to keep from rolling his eyes. "Tanner doesn't believe you are getting anywhere, that's why he put your brother undercover."

A few days later, Dom, Nathan, Mia, Letty, Jesse, and Leon are at the garage.
"What about parts and service?" Mia asks Dom as she looks at some paperwork.
"Hold off on it," Dom tells her causing Mia to sigh.
"Dom, I don't know what to do with it," Mia says as a tow truck backs up in front of the garage with a totaled car on it.
"All right, what the hell is this?" Nathan says as he, Dom, and Jesse walk over to the door.
"What do you got there?" Dom asks as Brian walks over to them.
"This is your car," Brian answers him with a proud smile.
"My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hits the car causing it to dent. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it," Jesse says causing Nathan and Letty to laugh.
"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line," Nathan adds causing Letty to give him a high five.
"No faith," Brian defends himself.
"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage," Dom tells him as he motions to the garage.
"Pop the hood," Brian tells Jesse with a smirk.
"Pop the hood?" Dom asks him confused.
"Pop the hood," Brian answers as he nods his head. They get the car off of the tow truck and into the garage.
"2JZ engine. No shit," Jesse says as they take the hood off. Nathan and Letty share an impressed look.
"And what did I tell you?" Brian says with a smirk.
"We retract our previous statements," Dom says as Nathan nods in agreement.
"You know what? This will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it," Jesse says as Nathan walks over to stand beside him.
"Or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan," Nathan says in agreement as he looks at the engine.
"We'll put it on my tab at Harry's," Dom says as he turns to Brian.
"Yes!" Jesse says as he and Nathan high five.
"I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass," Dom tells Brian. "There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars. That's where you'll do it. When you're not working at Harry's, you're working here."
"If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona..." Nathan says as he starts to walk past Brian. "...you don't belong near a car." Nathan pats him on the shoulder before walking over to Letty.

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