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"You good?" Nathan asks as he walks into the Toretto garage.

"Of course," Letty says as she smiles at Nathan.

"Remember, I don't want you racing," Nathan says, causing Letty to frown. "I just want you safe. Okay?"

"Okay," Letty says with a nod before a smirk slides onto her face. "So, once Hollana has Dom back. Where are we going?"

"Anywhere you want to go, I'll go," Nathan says with a smile as he rests his hands on her hips. "You ride, I ride." Letty smiles before leaning up to kiss Nathan.

"I got to go meet with Hollana," Letty says as she reluctantly pulls away from Nathan, who nods.

Letty pulls up behind Hollana, who is sitting on her car talking to Brian.

"What are you doing here?" Letty asks confused as she walks over them.

"I wanted to talk to you before you go," Brian says as he looks at Letty, causing her to frown. "I know my brother just wants to keep you safe. But I know the way you drive."

"What are you saying, Brian?" Letty asks him with raised eyebrows.

"There's two positions needing to be filled," Brian answers her, causing Letty to cross her arms across her chest. "I want you to race."

The next morning, Nathan rushes into the FBI building, looking for one person and one person only. Nathan finds his brother before punching him in the face. Penning quickly pulls Nathan back while Stasiak pulls Brian back.

"You had no right!" Nathan yells as he points at Brian. "You had no right to make her race!"

"Shut up and sit down," Penning says as he shoves Nathan into a chair while Stasiak does the same to Brian. "I'm the one that ordered him to make her race. There was two spots needing to filled and we filled them." Nathan glares at his Chief while fighting the urge to punch him.

"I swear, if anything happens to her," Nathan says as he stands up, still glaring at his Chief. "It's on you."

Nathan leaves the building before spending the next two days with Letty, until she was called out to make the delivery for Braga.

Letty, Hollana, and the other drivers are transported to Mexico in the back of a semi-truck before they are unloaded. Their cars are filled with boxes of drugs before they take off across the desert toward the US border.

A man, named Fenix, meets up with them before leading them through a series of tunnels, going through a mountain. They follow Fenix until he comes to a stop where two trucks are waiting for them.

Their cars are being unloaded as they are made to get out of their cars. Hollana and Letty stand beside each other as the men start shooting the other drivers.

Letty and Hollana quickly duck back into Letty's car and take off as the remaining drivers are shot. Letty is followed by Fenix as she tries to get them back to Los Angeles. Back to Nathan.

Fenix rams into the side of her car causing them to start flipping before her car lands upside down. Hollana crawls out before leaning against the car. Letty crawls out of the car with a bloody head, knowing she needed to make it back to Nathan before she freezes as Fenix raises his gun at her.

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