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That night, Nathan is helping Mia box up Letty's things up while cops stake the house out as if Dom would show. Mia takes a box out to the garage while Nathan grabs a beer from the fridge, downing it within seconds before carrying a box out to the garage. Mia sees her brother walk in the garage from the back while Nathan walks through the front.

"You shouldn't have come. They're staking the place out. If they find you. . ." Mia says as Dom walks over to her.

"They won't. Come on," Dom says before he pulls Mia into a hug. "Look at you." It had been four years since Dom had seen his sister and she had grown up.

"Thank you for coming," Nathan says as Dom looks over at him before nodding. Dom looks around the garage before he catches sight of his Charger, walking over to it.

"Letty wouldn't let them junk it," Mia says with a small smile as she places a comforting hand on Nathan's arm while Dom looks through the driver side window. "Even though it is a goddamn curse. When Hollana learned about it, she was always in here, working on it day and night. It was weird. It was like they both knew you were coming back."

"I want to see the crash site," Dom says as he looks at Mia and Nathan.

"I'll take you," Nathan says with a nod before his phone goes off. "I guess not. I got to go in but I'll let you know if I find out anything useful." Nathan writes down the address to the crash site before heading into work.

"I just got off the phone with Deputy Director Lawson," Chief Penning says as he walks into the room that Brian, Nathan, and other agents are in. "If we don't make serious inroads into the Braga case in the next 72 hours, they're gonna shut us down."

"I know I'm the newbie here, but why the clock now?" Agent Trinh Zang asks as she looks around confused.

"Because it's been two years, and the last six agents we sent in to infiltrate his organization came back in body bags," Penning answers her as information about the case begins to show on the screen behind him. "He's moved more heroin across the border than Escobar did in 10 years."

Letty's and Hollana's pictures appear on the screen with deceased written across them, causing Brian to look down in guilt while Nathan's eyes prickle with tears.

"This guy is becoming one of our biggest national threats, and we don't even have a picture of him. We don't have prints! Not even a goddamn DOB! What's the status on David Park? Isn't he our ticket into the Braga organization?"

"We're running the name through city and county databases, sorting out the possibilities," Agent Leilani Gomez answers him while Trinh nods in agreement. "We've got over 500 already."

"Park's insignificant. Sounds like another jerk-off to me," Stasiak says with an eye roll, causing Nathan to glare at him.

"It's not. Without Park, Braga wouldn't have drivers to move his shipments," Brian explains as he also glares at Stasiak before looking over at Leilani and Trinh. "Cross-check traffic. Illegal modifications. Street racing. This guy will definitely have a record. We'll find him."

"We better," Penning tells him with a nod before he dismisses them.

"What do you know?" Stasiak says as they walk out of the room, causing Nathan and Brian to look over at them. "Your boy Toretto's Red Chevelle has been spotted in his old neighborhood. I'm going to bring his ass in."

"Not in your car, you're not," Nathan retorts with an eye roll as Stasiak walks away, causing Brian to lightly chuckle.

Mia walks up to the street to the Toretto house when two agents get out of their car, walking over to her.

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