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That night Letty, Leon, Vince, and Dom are getting ready to leave to take a truck when Mia comes over and starts arguing with Dom.
"I have respected you and I haven't said shit. Now I am asking you not to go," Mia says as she holds back tears while looking at her brother.
"I'm doing this for both of us," Dom tells her.
"Don't give me that crap. You're doing this for you. Why are you insisting on doing this? Dom, please, just don't," Mia says before they get into the cars and leave.

"Mia, what's going on?" Brian asks as he and Nathan catch up to her having seen the argument from inside the trailer.
"What?" Mia asks him confused.
"You know what I'm talking about," Brian tells her as he walks after her.
"No, I don't," Mia argues with him.
"You always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?" Brian asks her.
"What's the matter with you?" She asks him confused.
"What's he racing off in the middle of the night for? You know about the trucks?" Brian asks her.
"No, Brian! What trucks? Jesus Christ. What?" Mia says before Brian pulls her to a stop.
"Listen to me. Mia, I'm a cop," Brian says as he decides to blow his cover.
"What are you talking about, Brian? What is this?" Mia questions him.
"Ever since the first time I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop," Brian tells her the truth but leaves Nathan out of it.
"Oh, you bastard. You bastard," Mia says before walking away.
"Mia," Brian says as he tries to get her to stop.
"Get off of me, Brian!" Mia says as she hits his arms.
"Mia! Listen to me! Everything I ever said I felt about you was real. I care about you. I swear to God. You have to believe me, Mia. But this isn't about you and me. Your brother is out there to pull a job. We're running out of time. Those truckers aren't laying down anymore. Maybe they'll make it through tonight, but every law enforcement agency is coming down on them," Brian explains to her as Nathan begins to worry about Letty.
"Mia, please. If you don't want anything to happen to your brother, to Letty, to Vince, to Leon, you have to get in that car with Brian right now and help us find them," Nathan pleads with her, extremely worried about Letty.
"Mia, you are the only person that can help us right now. Please, Mia. Please help me," Brian says to her. Mia agrees for the sake of her family.

"Civics are stashed somewhere outside of Thermal," Mia says as she looks at the map.
"They wouldn't double back, and Highway 10 is too well patrolled. So, what does that leave us with?" Brian says as he breaks it down.
"All this," Mia says as she looks at the map. Brian then gets out his phone and calls Nextel.
"This is Officer Brian O'Conner. Serial number 34762. I need a cell phone trace," Brian says causing Mia to look between Nathan and Brian in shock.
"Okay. What's the cell number?" The lady asks.
"Mia, what is Dom's?" Brian asks, knowing Kat would have her phone to where it couldn't be tracked. "Come on, Mia. She needs Dom's cell phone number now." Brian hands her the phone.
"323-555-6439" Mia says before handing the phone back to Brian.
"Thank you. Yeah, you get that?" Brian asks before they say they will call him back.

"All right, we're one man short," Dom says as he takes the covers off of the civics. "Letty, I need you on the left side."
"Your sister's right about this one. This don't feel good," Leon says as he brings the harpoon gun to Dom.
"Don't do that," Dom tells him with a frown.
"Something's wrong," Letty tells him as she brings over the other gun.
"Stop," Dom says shaking his head.
"We shouldn't be doing this without Jesse," Letty says in hopes he will change his mind.
"Look. This is the mother load. We've been on this for three months. After this, it's a long vacation for everyone. Let's go," Dom says as he looks around at the team.
"I hope so," Leon says before going to get in his car.
"Leon, keep on those scanners," Dom says as he walks over to his car.
"Copy that," Leon says.
"All right, let's go," Dom says before they get in the cars and take off.

Letty let's out a worried sigh as they catch up to the truck.
"Okay! Go time!" Dom says over the walkie as he pulls in front of the truck.
"We're all good. I got nothing on the scanners. Keep going," Leon says over the walkie as Vince takes the windshield out. Vince hits the seat and connects the wire to his belt.
"He's got a damn shotgun! Leon!" Dom says over the walkie as Vince jumps onto the truck.
"Back off! Get him off of there!" Leon says over the walkie.
"Oh, shit! Get me off this thing! Pull up!" Vince yells at Dom.
"Unhook yourself. Do it! Do it!" Dom yells back as he reaches out the window.
"I can't get it!" Vince yells.
"You can do it! Come on, Vince!" Dom yells before the driver shoots out his rear light.
"Dom! I'm pulling up to distract him!" Letty says over the walkie. Letty drives in front of the truck on the left side. "Come on, boy! Shot doesn't get better than this." The driver shoots her back glass out. "Son of a bitch!"
"Take me off here, I can't unhook the wire!" Vince yells at Dom.
"Try it again. One, two, three!" Dom yells at Vince. The driver slams on the brakes this slings Vince around the side of the truck. The driver quickly speeds up which throws Vince around causing his arm to get tangled in the wire.
"Unhook yourself!" Dom yells at Vince.
"I can't get my arm free!" Vince yells back in pain.
"Vince, grab my hand!" Dom yells.
"My arm!" Vince yells back.
"Listen, give me your hand. I'm gonna pull you off the rig! Vince! Hold on! Give me your hand! Listen to me!" Dom yells as the driver shoots at Vince before the driver shoots Dom's front tire out.
"Dominic! Dominic!" Vince yells.
"Hang on!" Dom yells back as he tries to control his car.
"Dom! Move out of the way. I'm coming to get him," Letty says over the walkie before she pulls up on the left side before sliding under the truck and coming out on the right side. Letty goes to pull up beside Vince but the driver swerves into her causing their tires to hit. This sends Letty's car into the ditch causing it to flip three times before landing upside down.
"Letty!" Dom yells as he sees the car. "Leon! Pull back for Letty. Get them out of there!"
"I'm on it! Go! I've got her! You get Vince off that truck," Leon replies over the walkie before he drops back to get Letty .
"Letty! Come on, baby. You okay?" Leon yells as he runs over to the car to find her crawling out. "Oh, shit. Come on, Letty, you all right?" Leon helps Letty stand up as she spits out blood. "Come on, let me look at you. Come on. We got to go. Let's go." Leon pulls her to his car just as Brian passes. Nathan looks back with a worried look since he had seen Letty. Leon ends up having to pick up Dom as well.

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