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The next day, Nathan goes to the garage to help with the car. Nathan and Letty are working on another car.

"Looks good," Brian says as he squats behind Mia, wrapping an arm around her as she puts the decal on the car.
"Thank you," Mia says with a smile as Brian kisses her on the cheek a few times. Dom walks in the garage with a wrench in hand as he slightly glares at Brian.
"I have to make a parts run for Harry," Brian tells Dom as he stands up.
"Drive safe," Dom says as Mia stands up.
"Bye," Brian says to Mia with a smile before he leaves.
"Isn't there a test or something you should be studying right now?" Dom asks Mia, causing Nathan to look at Dom shocked by how he is acting.
"Don't worry about it, Dom. I can handle it," Mia answers him as she crosses her arms across her chest. "I know what I got to do, okay?"
"No, I am worried about it," Dom tells her as he waves the wrench around. "You're not doing enough of it."
"Get off my back," Mia says as she glares at Dom before leaving. Letty slides out from under the car that she was working on.
"Dom, don't you think your sister is entitled to a little happiness?" Letty asks as she looks over at Dom.
"Of course I think she is entitled to happiness," Dom answers her before glancing under the hood of a car for a second, then looking back at Letty. "I have to make sure she keeps moving forward. She doesn't belong here." Dom walks over to Letty, who is whipping her hands off. "What do you care anyway?"
"She's old enough to make her own decisions," Letty tells him as she moves some of hair out of her face.
"Whatever," Dom says before leaving the garage.
Nathan looks at Letty with a frown before she walks over to him with a smile on her face. Letty moves some hair out of her face as they look at each other before she pulls his shirt off. Nathan looks at her in shock before they kiss. As they are kissing Nathan's hands make their way down to her butt before stopping right below her butt. Nathan picks her up causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. Letty waves around the rag in her hand as Nathan carries her over to the couch in the corner, causing Nathan to chuckle. Nathan moves some hair out of Letty's face before he pulls her in for another kiss.

That night Nathan and Brian are called to check in.
"Yes, sir. Yeah, I know, but. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yeah. I got it," Bilkins says as he is on the phone before he walks over to them. "The DVD players were purchased legally. All we've got are a couple of low-rent weapons charges and some outstanding speeding tickets."
"So, they're out," Tanner says as he shakes his head.
"Yeah. Father bailed them out," Bilkins says before slightly glaring at Nathan and Brian. "Is this the kind of intelligence I can expect from you, O'Conner's?" Nathan just rolls his eyes, knowing he was just looking for someone to blame.
"You're gonna put this on us?" Brian asks him in shock.
"I can put it on whoever I want to. Perks of the job," Bilkins says with a shrug.
"No, you can't put this on us..." Brian tries to argue.
"No, wait a minute. Let me tell you. I don't care if you both have to aim at someone and blow your covers to smithereens. You've got 36 hours to crack this bastard or you both might want to think about another career," Bilkins explains before Brian walks outside with Tanner. "It's Toretto, Nathan. It always has been Toretto. Tran and Hector are... They're just fumes." Nathan lets out a sigh as he looks down. "I know you've been lying to me. My question is this: Have you been lying to yourself because you can't see past Letty?"
"Dom won't go back to prison," Nathan explains to him as he shakes his head.
"Well, that's a choice he's going to have to make," Bilkins says causing Nathan to frown. "There's all kinds of family, Nathan. And that's a choice you're gonna have to make." Nathan knows who he would choose if it came down to it.

The next day everyone besides Vince is at the garage because the car is done.
"You ready for this?" Letty asks as Brian, Dom, and Nathan get into the car. Brian revs the engine in response causing everyone to smile. Letty gives Nathan a quick kiss before Brian takes off out of the garage. They are driving around testing everything thing out before they come to a red light and pull up beside a Ferrari.
"Nice car. What's the retail on one of those?" Brian asks the guy driving.
"More than you can afford, pal," The guy says as he revs his engine. "Ferrari."
"Smoke him," Dom tells Brian causing Nathan to smile in excitement. As soon as the light turns green they take off. The cars stay side by side until there are two cars in front of them. Brian has to weave through traffic in the other lane before they are beside the Ferrari again in front of the two cars. Brian takes the lead before he leaves them in the dust. They pull up to a restaurant and get out before the Ferrari finally passes by.

"So, what's wrong, Brian?" Dom asks as Brian plays with his shrimp.
"Nothing, man, I'm fine," Brian answers him.
"Come on. Obviously something's off," Dom says. "Right Nate?" Nathan nods in agreement but he knows why Brian was upset.
"Look, I have my good days and bad days just like anybody else," Brian tells them with a shrug.
"Brian, don't lose that cool of yours. That's your meal ticket," Dom says with a small teasing smile.
"My meal ticket? I can't pay for my own shrimp?" Brian questions him with a slight glare.
"I got the shrimp," Nathan says with a smile as he pulls the tray towards him.
"No, that's one thing about me you don't understand. I don't take handouts. I earn my way, every step. I just gotta earn something extra on the side, like you," Brian rants before he eats some of the shrimp.
"What do you mean, like me? What's that supposed to mean?" Dom questions him confused.
"That's what I mean," Brian says with a shrug.
"What does that mean, like me?" Dom asks him while Nathan shoots Brian a glare.
"Don't try..." Brian starts to explain. "I'm not stupid, all right? I know that there's no way you paid for all that shit you got under the hood..." Dom motions for him to quiet down. "There's no way you paid for what's under the hood of those cars by doing tune-ups and selling groceries. Whatever it is you're in on, I want in on it, too." Dom and Brian stare at each other before Dom reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out two pieces of paper, handing one to Brian and one to Nathan. "Well, what is this?"
"Read it," Dom tells Brian.
"What is this for?" Brian asks as he looks at the paper.
"It's directions. To Race Wars. We'll see how you do. Then we'll talk," Dom answers causing Nathan to smile because he is ready to experience race wars.

The next day Nathan pulls up at the gate to race wars behind the team.
"How's it going, bro?" Nathan asks the guy at the gate.
"Welcome to Race Wars," The guy tells Nathan as he hands him a bracelet.
"Great. Thanks a lot," Nathan says before following the team to their trailer. Letty is the next up to race so she starts checking on everything in her car.
"Baby. Hey, baby," The guy she is racing says. "You should watch from the side. I wouldn't want to get exhaust on that pretty face."
"Put your money where your mouth is," Letty tells him as she pulls her sunglasses down to look at him.
"I'll race you for that sweet little ass," The guy taunts causing her to roll her eyes.
"You want ass, why don't you hit Hollywood Boulevard? You want an adrenaline rush, it'll be two large. Right here. Right now. What's it gonna be?" Letty says before showing the money.
"You got it," The guy says as he shows his own money. Letty looks at the guy to find him making kissy faces at her. She rolls her eyes, pushing her sunglasses back up before she gets ready to go. They are side by side as they take off. About half way through she hits her NOS.
"See ya," Letty says as she completely passes the guy. Letty collects her money before going over to where the team is.
"There's my girl!" Nathan says as she walks over and shows the money. Nathan picks her up before kissing her.
"Yo! Heads up, bro. We got problems," Leon says as he runs over.
"What?" Dom asks him confused.
"Jesse," Leon answers him before he points to the Jetta.
"Where's Jesse going?" Dom asks as they watch the Jetta leave race wars.
"He just raced Tran for slips," Leon answers him with a frown.
"Oh, shit," Dom says before Tran drives over to them.
"Where's he going?" Tran asks as he gets out of the car.
"He went to the car wash," Dom lies to buy them some time.
"Whatever. Go fetch my car," Tran orders with a glare.
"Go fetch your car? We're not on your block anymore. You better watch who you talk to like that," Dom tells him before walking back over to the others.
"Toretto! SWAT came into my house disrespected my whole family, because somebody narked me out," Tran yells as his guys start walking over. "And you know what? It was you!" Dom punches Tran into the face sending him to the ground and then keeps punching him. Leon pushes some of Tran's guys back while Letty punches Lance in the face sending him to the ground. Vince and Nathan go to help the security guard get Dom off of Tran.
"Get off of him, man. Dom, chill out, man. Come on!" Vince yells as he pulls Dom off of Tran.
"I never narked on nobody! I never narked on nobody!" Dom yells as Vince pulls him away before Letty, Leon, and Nathan follow them to the trailer.

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