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Dom busts into David Park's apartment before tossing him around.

"Green Torino, running nitro," Dom states as he holds David against the wall before Nathan walks in the apartment while looking around. "Whose car?"

"I don't know, man," David answers him quickly. "I'm just the middleman. I swear! I'm just the middleman!" Dom tosses him into the couch.

"Wait, Wait, Wait. I don't know shit, man. I swear. I just run cars for Braga, all right? All I can do is get you both in the race! That's all I can do!" David says in a panic as while Nathan goes through his kitchen cabinets.

"What race?" Dom asks him with a glare while Nathan finds a bottle of tequila before taking a long drink of it.

David doesn't answer Dom, so he throws him out the window, holding on to his foot. Brian is below the apartments checking out David's car before he hears a yell.

Brian looks up to see a man hanging out a window before Brian quickly runs up to the apartment. Nathan hears someone coming up the stairs before points his handgun at the door. Once inside the apartment Brian sees Nathan with his gun raised, causing Brian to freeze. Nathan sighs before lowering his gun.

"Come on, man, I don't know shit! Just let me up! I told you, you got to talk to Braga!" David pleads with Dom.

"Bring him up, Dom!" Brian says as he walks closer to Dom with his gun raised. "Bring him up."

"You here to take me in, O'Conner?" Dom asks him, not even glancing back at him.

"Letty and Hollana were my friends, too," Brian tries as he slightly lowers the gun.

"You weren't anyone's friend," Dom tells Brian as he glances back at him with a glare.

"Letty and Hollana were running for this guy, Braga, and things went bad," Brian explains what he knows as he looks between Dom and Nathan, though he figured that Nathan has already filled Dom in. "I'm going to get these guys. Now let me do my job and bring him up."

"I'm going to kill this Braga. And anyone else who gets in my way," Dom tells Brian before he drops David, who grabs onto the curtain hanging out the window.

Brian rushes over to help David up as Dom disappears out of the apartment. Nathan takes another swig of the tequila before going to help Brian pull David up.

"O'Conner! O'Conner!" Stasiak calls out as Nathan and Brian enter the precinct with David Park. Stasiak starts getting into Nathan's face. "If you ever release a witness of mine again..."

Nathan cuts him off by twisting his arm behind his back and ramming his face into the wall. David laughs as Nathan lunges for Stasiak again, but Brian pulls Nathan back.

"That's enough!" Penning orders as he comes out of his office.

"Don't touch me. I'm fine!" Stasiak barks at the agents trying to check on him before he tries to lunge at Nathan.

"That's enough," Penning orders once again as he sees Nathan calming down.

"You're through, O'Conner!" Stasiak yells as he fights against the agents holding him back.

"I said that's enough! Stasiak, go get yourself cleaned up," Penning orders as he glares at Stasiak, who is trying to keep his nose from bleeding.

"What? He hit me first! You..." Stasiak tries to protest as he points at Nathan.

"This isn't the Cub Scouts! Now, go on! You're bleeding on my floor," Penning interrupts him before Stasiak is led away. Penning motions for Nathan to join him in his office. "O'Conner, do you know the difference between a cop and a criminal?"

"Freedom," Nathan retorts with an eye roll, causing Penning to glare at him.

"One bad judgment call. Keep your shit in line, son," Penning responds with narrowed eyes, though he felt for the man since Nathan had lost his girlfriend. "Next time it happens, you are off the case. Next time you come in here reeking of alcohol, you are off the case. Do you understand me?" Nathan nods in understanding before they go to the meeting room where everyone is waiting.

"Good news. We have intel that Braga's number two, Ramon Campos, will hold a street race in Koreatown tomorrow night to fill a slot on his team," Penning explains as he looks around at everyone. "They've already chosen three drivers from previous races. Our newest informant, Mr. David Park, has been kind enough to get us two spots in the race." Penning looks over at Brian and Nathan. "O'Conners, you're up."

"Let me guess, winner gets the slot," Leilani says as she looks over at the slightly smiling Brian.

"Winner and second get slots," Penning corrects her as he motions for the end of the meeting. "Trinh and Leilani, get them set up with cars for the race."

"Alright, so these are all the imports the city has in impound," Trinh says as she brings up the imports across three screens. "Pick your poison."

"Alright, 2206. I crashed one of those. 3418 and 2765," Brian says as his smile grows as he looks at each car, causing Nathan to roll his eyes.

"Okay, so which one do you want?" Leilani asks with a raised eyebrow before looking at each car on each screen.

"I want them all," Brian replies with a smirk as Nathan stands up.

"What about you?" Leilani asks as she looks over at Nathan with a smile.

"I have a car," Nathan says with a shrug as he goes to walk away, but another agent walks over to them.

"Standard issue tracking device. Boss wants to know where you are at all times," The agent says as he hands each of the brothers a tracker.

Nathan walks out to the parking garage before placing the tracker on Leilani's car. He knew that Penning wouldn't know a difference for at least that night, since Leilani is living in what was once Nathan's house.

Nathan goes to the Toretto garage, that he kept as a storage unit for his car. Nathan sighs as he pulls the cover off of his car before getting in with a bottle of vodka. Nathan squeezes the steering wheel as tears poor down his face as he remembers the last trip that he took in the car.

It was with Letty to the beach, where they spent the whole day. Nathan grabs the bottle of vodka before taking a drink. Alcohol seemed to be the only thing to stop his heart from hurting.

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