caring avni

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At Home

avni was waiting for neil nd neha nd was also getting worried about neha's safety .

avni- i hope neha is fine . pls bappa keep her safe .

she was looking very scared nd worried too . she was busy thinking about neha when suddenly neha aur neil entered the house . hearing the door opening sound..... avni turned around nd looked at neha . she became shocked watching her vulnerable state . she was all mess .her cheeks were red with slap marks . her hairs were completely mess . her face was covered with sweat nd tear stains . she was wearing neil's jacket above her torn dress . she was only looking down due to fear . while our angry young man neil was stood all angry .

as soon as neha looked at avni .... she immediately ran towrds her nd hugged her tightly nd avni hugged her back . she was sobbing hardly nd shivering in avni's arms . while avni was conti rubbing her back gently in order to calm her .

avni- sshhh..... nehu baby pls calm down . stop crying . nehu nothing will happen to you . look you are safe now . you are away from those goons . they aren't here. pls stop crying ..... you are my strong girl na ....( consoling tone )

she was carresing her hairs softly . after few minutes neha calmed a bit but still sobbing a little . then avni broke the hug nd cupped her face in her hands . while neha was shivering badly nd tears were flowing from her eyes . then avni wiped her tears nd kissed her forhead lovingly . then avni held her hand nd took her to the nearby chair nd made her sit properly . then avni poured some water in a glass nd gave it to her . nd she drank in one go .

on the other hand ... neil was hell mad at neha . he stood silent with blood filled eyes . then he moved towrds neha nd spoke.....

neil- where the hell did you go late at night ....huh.... do i have a right to know or not . no i mean you don't need anyone's permission bcs you've grown big now . ( sarcastic way )

but neha hadn't spoke anything.   she stood silent all shaking nd shivering with fear . her eyes welled with fresh tears hearing his loud tone . while avni moved her gaze towrds neil nd found him all angry . his eyes're full of rage nd pain .

neil- why are you silent now .... i am asking you something . where the hell did you go late at night huh . don't test my patience .  just answer my question ...... ( loud tone )

he was conti shouting at her nd shivers running down her spine hearing his loud voice . she just stood silent nd numb . neil's anger raised more by her silence nd now he couldn't take anymore nd went near her chair nd was about to shout on her.... but this tym avni intruppts him .

avni- neil pls .... i think you should be polite with her . she is already very scared . nd you are scaring her more . pls don't be angry . pls calm down .

avni was trying to calm his anger he wasn't in his senses.....

neil- you know what neha .... this wasn't expected from you . bhut guroor tha mujhe tumpar.... but you ... you broke my pride ... you broke my trust . nd i won't forgive you for all this ... remember that . ( in angry voice )

saying this .... he stormed out of the hall in anger nd made his way towrds bedroom leaving a guilty neha behind . then avni went near her nd placed her hand on her shoulder nd asked her to calm down .....

avni- sssshh..... don't cry . don't cry .

then avni took her to her bedroom nd made her sit on bed . then she also sat beside her nd cupped her face while wiping her flowing tears . neha was in guilt then she held avni's hand nd spoke in trembling voice .

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