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"Hey, hey, hey." Citizen Z said over the radio way up in the north pole where the Northern Light base was. The kid who was only 25 years old lived there with his new dog he saved from a z dog. It wasn't by choice to stay up there, his plane out crashed laned not too far away from the base, so he was lucky to be alive. "Another quiet Saturday night here at the top of the world. If you can hear my voice, let me just say I'm glad you're still alive. The great zombie zunami of 03 continues to pound the prairie into dust, headed south from Nebraska into Kansas. This hive-minded crowd of million-plus zombies is crushing everything in its random path, so watch your ass out there. Keep your hands and feet inside the boat, and don't feed the animals. This is Citizen Z. Singing off." He spoke over the mic as he looked up at the computer monitors. He saw the giant cloud of dust the zombies made that looked like a storm cloud. He looked over at his dog and saw he was asleep. Citizen Z got up and left the main room to check on maintenance to make sure everything in the base was running smoothly. He grabbed his clipboard and started to check things over. Once he was done to the left to the storage room to play some golf alone.

Trish heard this over the radio and looked at her map. "Lucky we are nowhere near those areas." She said to her group.

"Your right." Levy nodded taking a bite of her apple. "It's going West, lucky we went East."

"Lets, move again. I bet we can find someplace to gather more stuff to trade." Luke said as he came back from his pee break.

"I got some of the weapons, customize and ready to go. Some took me a while to try and put together but it worked." October winked at the group.

"That's good, then it will help us more in combat," Mitsuki said as he helped his sister Mizuki pack up so they can be on the road again.

Meanwhile somewhere in Nebraska. The group was laying on the road tired and very dehydrated. It's been a full week since that rainstorm. And now the group could find any water, they didn't think to stock up on water while the rain was going on. Both Mack and Addy got stuck in a storm so they had to find another way to the group so they were gone for now.

Warren was leaning against a car trying to let a drop of water from her water bottle yet nothing came out. She sighed as she looked over seeing 10k laying on the road ringing out his bandana trying to get anything to come out. She also looked at Doc tried to pee in a bottle but nothing came out. and last Cassandra she was sitting on the road as well wanting something to drink so badly. Yet, Murphy was very cheerful and full of energy for some odd reason.

Murphy stopped and looked at Warren. "Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there." He said, looking at the group's leader who was tired and very dehydrated.

Warren looked up at Murphy with an annoyed expression on her tired face. "Why are you so freaking chipper?" She asked the man standing in front of her.

"I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz I conserve my precious bodily fluids." Murphy replied as they could feel the ground lightly rumbling.

"What is that?" 10k asked half-awake laying on the road. He slowly sat up trying to see what that was. "Is it an earthquake?"

Doc's eyes widen as he looked over. "More like a zombie quake." He said as he got up to his feet.

Murphy turned to see what was coming for them. It was a giant cloud of dust that was big as a building with millions of zombies running inside of it. Coming towards them at full speed.

Warren slowly stood up looking at the wave of dust, coming towards the group. "Goddamn, guys just won't quit." She muttered weakly.

Murphy wasn't scared since he knew the zombies wouldn't attack him anymore, but he was worried for the group he was with. "I suggest we run for it." He told them. He knew that wave of zombies would kill the group in the blink of an eye. He went running but saw no one moving, he sighed as he turned back to Warren. "Come on, people. Pick it up." He said jogging in place.

Curse or Cure (Murphy x 10K)Where stories live. Discover now