Cult's ruin everything.

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Three weeks have passed since the storm in Warren's hometown. Murphy's hair started to grow back but barely he was not looking the best, he was dirty and he looked really overtired. The group stopped for him to take a piss. When they did they were looking at him getting worried.

Mack walked over to tell the group they were no z's insight so they were safe for now.

"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine out there?" Doc asked, looking over at Murphy with a worried expression on his face.

Garnett looked over as well. "I know. He's looking worse."

Warren agreed on that note. "Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with." She said to Garnett.

Addy felt bad that everyone was jumping the gun on Murphy. "Come on, guy. Give him a break." She told the group. "It's the apocalypse. None of us look our best. It's like one long bad hair day."

Mack looked over from Addy. "Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" He asked looking at Murphy.

Addy rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. "Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo." She shrugged her shoulders.

10k sighed as he looked over at his crush. Even though the poor guy wasn't looking his best right now. He still thought he was still very good-looking. He knew this was weird and he would never understand something like this but again he pushed his feelings to the side and tried not to let them get in the way. "Maybe that vaccine isn't working." He said. To Addy's comment.

Murphy could feel the group's stare burning into the back of his skull as he tried to urinate. It was making him uncomfortable, he looked over his shoulder and saw them all look away once he looked over at them. He didn't like that they kept staring at him once his back was turned away.

Garnett turned his attention to Doc wondering if he had any idea what was going on with Murphy. "What do you think, Doc?" He asked.

Doc gave out a small sigh. "I've seen Z's look better than him." He answered, still looking at Murphy very worried.

Garnett turned his head back towards Murphy. "Will he make it to California?"

Doc shrugged his shoulders. "If we haul ass."

"If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down." Garnett signed sadly.

"Dibs on piking him," Warren said, right away. That was almost like she couldn't wait to stab him in the head.

"If he turns, piking him's the least of our problem."

Once Murphy was finished he turned around to face the group, he didn't like they were still watching him. "What?" He asked them wondering what their deal was.

"Pit stop's over. Let's get moving."

Murphy walked back towards the truck. "I have a ginormous bladder. Sue me." He said with annoyance in his voice. He got into the back of the truck sitting next to Doc. While Warren and Garnett were in the front. And Addy, Mack, and 10k were all back on the outside.

"Man, I sure could use some of those Kansas City barbecue ribs about now," Doc said as his stomach growled.

Murphy looked over at Doc as his stomach growled as well. "How bout you, darlin'. You're a big rib eater, aren't you?" He asked Cassandra who was sitting next to him in the back. Also remembering that she used to eat people when she was part of her old group.

Cassandra looked at Murphy with annoyance. "You know I was almost starting to feel sorry for you." She said with an eye roll.

Garnett remembered something that Mark told him before he died. "Let's go and visit Province Town. We can get some food and even a hot shower."

Curse or Cure (Murphy x 10K)Where stories live. Discover now