Black Summer

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The group ran into an old house to wait out the bad rainstorm. It has been three weeks since Garnett was killed by that cult. Warren was still hurting badly over it, but she was trying to keep her feelings to herself. She hated to show her emotions like that. She looked out the window as the rain beat down on the glass. She let out a loud sigh as she looked at the group sitting around in the living room of the house. Everyone was remembering the hell they all went through during Black Summer, it was awful they remembered it so well.

10k took a sip of his water as he relaxed on the couch near Murphy. He remembered black summer all too well, he never brought it up to the others. It was too painful for him to even talk about it.

10k's Black Summer FlashBack.

10k, well back then he was called Thomas, his real name. He was out in the forest fishing by his cabin. It was a year into the apocalypse. He didn't know much about it since he lived off the grid with his father. The only thing they used sometimes was the old radio. He remembered hearing that the dead were rising and eating people. He was happy that he lived so far away from all that. His Pa told him they would be safe out here in the forest.

He caught a basket full of fish. He stood up walking back to his cabin to cook up something good for dinner. He stopped and looked over at some people walking towards him. "Hello." He waved at the person who he said that to turned towards him walking slowly near him. He thought this was weird as he kept moving trying to get away from this person. He stopped as he saw a lady with arrows stuck in her back walking towards her. His eyes widen as he called out for help. "Help! This lady is hurt!" He called out as the girl with the arrows in her back grabbed him then tried to bite him.

"Stop it!" Thomas shouted as he pushed her away from him then dashed off deeper into the forest. He looked around and saw so many z's wandering around trying to go after him. His heartbeat as his body shook in fear. He was only 19 at the time but had the best shot around, yet sadly he didn't have his gun on him right now. He took a step back then tripped over a rock as a z went down to grab him. He closed his eyes tightly as he could hear a gunshot, then something wet hit his face. He opened one eye to see that the z was missing half of its head and was dead on top of him.


Thomas looked over to see his Pa running towards him. He had a shotgun in his hands as he helped his son up to his feet. "Pa what's going on?" He asked as he ran after his father through the forest.

"The zombies made it to the forest. It's not safe here anymore son." He replied as they made it to the cabin. "Gather as much as you can. We are leaving in 15 minutes." He told Thomas as he gathered up the ammo.

Thomas gathered food, water, their money, a radio, and warmer clothing. "Do we need the tent pa?" He asked looking in the closet.

"Yes, bring that just in case!"

The teen nodded his head as he went outside to back up the truck. He sighed as he got into the truck with his father driving off away from their home. He remembered that they kinda lived off the grid. They had power but it was only used for their kitchen only. And they had running water from their well that was used for showers. But they didn't have a tv or a computer and no cell phones. He wasn't fully sure if his father had a flip phone or not. He looked up and saw his best friend's house. Camilla was a cute girl with blonde hair, she was around his own age. They were friends since they were kids. "Pa!" He called out as he saw her running away from a group of z's. "We need to help her."


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