What did you do?!

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The drive was long and very boring. The team got a message from Citizen Z telling them about another lab to go to, it was much closer than the other one and Dr. Merch was going to be there. They all pulled over to take a break and to talk to Citizen Z. Warren pulled out her walkie and hoped to God it would reach him. "Not sure how much longer we can hold it together." She said over the walkie as Doc was pacing back and forth near her, keeping an eye out for Z's.

"It's only another 150 miles." Citizen Z replied over the microphone he was wearing on his head looking at his computer screen tracking where they were and where they had to go.

"We have a man down, Cassandra. She's not looking good. And then there's the package." Warren said, with worry in her tone of voice.

"Uh, what about the package?" Citizen Z asked getting a little worried with Warren's tone and hoped nothing bad would happen to Murphy since he was the cure to all mankind right now.

"Don't know exactly, but Murphy's acting weird. More than usual. Where's this new destination?"

"It's Fort Collins, Colorado."

"What happened to California?"

"Lab's dark again. Maybe for good. You've been redeployed."

"By whose orders?"

"Well, I started picking up a teletype signal on the old civil defense frequency. At first, I thought it was a hacker, but turns out it's Doctor Merch. Yeah, that Doctor Merch. The one who injected Murphy. So deliver Murphy to Fort Collins." Citizen Z explained to Warren over the other side of his mic. "Doctor Merch will be there with her team to meet you." He said as well as kept watching his pc screen.

"No more California?"

"Colorado is the new California."

"Copy," Warren said as she looked over to see Cassandra getting sick on the side of the road with 10k next to her making sure she was okay.

10k was very worried for his friend, her leg was badly infected and they didn't have anything to help treat it. And how she was looking. He feared the worse for her. 10k saw her as a dear friend to him, nothing more than that, which you would think he would like her more than a friend but sadly his heart was still hooked towards the older man. He didn't understand why he even liked Murphy, everything about the man was so annoying and he was such a damn prick but there was just something about him he just couldn't shake. Plus out of all the guys in their group, Serena went for Murphy as well, she straight to him and gave him pie and even herself.

After Cassandra was done throwing up, 10k helped her to her feet to get her back into the van so she could rest. And hopefully, find out where they were going next.

Warren turned to Doc, "How much gas do we have left?" She asks wondering if they will make it to the new lab in Colorado.

"I dunno, half a tank or so," Doc replied as they both looked over at the van with 10k helping Cassandra back inside of it.

"Make it 150 miles?"

"Well if it's mostly downhill. We're really low on ammo too."

Murphy goes to itch his forehead but some of his skin peels off. He was starting to get worried now, first, he lost his hair, but he was happy it was growing back slowly, then his eyes changed from his lovely blue to now amber, then he was losing some of his teeth and he grew newer ones, now his skin was peeling. He was trying to look for a mirror so he could see himself but there were no mirrors he saw the van keys. He picked them up and then looked around, he moved over to the driver's seat getting ready to steal the van but Warren knocked on the window making him jump. He rolled down the window wondering what she wanted. "Yeah?"

Curse or Cure (Murphy x 10K)Where stories live. Discover now