Chapter 28: The End or...

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Up at the top of the tower, Loghain could see the signal light. His plan had failed, and the men he had sacrificed there in the tower now worthless. He looked upon it with worry, and fear. However, his actions now would come from his pride, and devotion to his people. He had hoped his plans would need to go no further. He was wrong. If betraying the king, and the powerful Grey Wardens, was what Ferelden needed, so be it. He would do what must be done. Marric would have understood if his son's sacrifice was needed for the betterment of the Ferelden people.


His PTSD made the flash of his past seep into reality for a second. Orlesian forces killing and rapeing his friends and people made him seethe and shake. He closed his eyes and breathed a ragged breath. His decision was made. Cailan will be sacrificed just like those men above in the Tower of Ishal. For Ferelden and to keep the Orlesians from invading his homeland again! Loghain opened his eyes with a spark of selfish pride in them. His mouth came to a frown and his voice was low at the words hanging onto his lips.

"Sound the retreat."

His lieutenant, Cauthrien, had been looking all around when she heard the words she never thought possible from Teryn Loghain. The woman's dark eyes matched her ebony hair, and tonight they carried the gleam of doubt for her commander. She glanced towards the way of the king's army ahead.

"But..." Her head snapped back around towards Loghain. "What about the king? Should we not—?"

Loghain could not believe the hesitant voice that came from his lieutenant who stood next to him. Was she a traitor from Orlais? How could he have been so blind? He grabbed her wrist in a clutch that would make a man flinch. "Do as I command."

His grey eyes taxing Cauthrien to deny his orders. She looked down at her wrist, grimacing at the pinching between her commander's metal plated hand. Retreat? While the beacon is lite and the king still fights? But they would surely perish by the darkspawn if they retreated. She found the order cowardly and traitorous. However, perhaps Loghain knows that somehow they would fail with such a great horde? Cauthrien rent her wrist away from his grip, saddened that her commander would think she would disobey his orders.

Loghain leered from under his thick lashes and turned to view the red glare from the main part of the horde. The screaming and cries for help from the many soldiers found its way to Loghain's ears. He watched on, never blinking. He did not want to miss the moment that would make him the protector of Ferelden once more. His army would be safe; this was not a true Blight. Cailan was a fool; he was a traitor to Ferelden's peace and Loghain would not stand with him this last time.

Cauthrien only watched the back of his head for a second before turning. Her regimen stood upright as she drew near. She raised her hand and tossed it in a circle motion. "Pull out," she lowered her hand towards the road. "All of you, let's move."

Loghain turned to glance behind him to watch the men and women head towards Denerim. He was happy that his lieutenant was not a traitor after all. Something bubbled inside him. Was it glee? Was it excitement? He found the thought of himself ruling over Ferelden much more appealing than that of Cailan. Surely everyone could see that Cailan was an idiot and welcome him with open arms of praise.

The preparations he had been planning for months was not just to keep Cailan's allies at bay, but to protect the country Loghain loved. If some needed to die in the process, so be it! Tonight would be the start of a new era for Ferelden. One free of traitors and scum. Loghain could not stop the smile that creeped up onto his lips. The thunder of his loyal warriors heading out to provide this country what it needed most.

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