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A loud noise can be heard from the bar door 

*Tomura POV*

"Fuck" I tougth as I lift my head off my phone to see the broken door...

It was that little grentte demon, he just broke the door down and he was standing on the door like It was nothing 

He looked so "innocent" here standing, then he started walking to me...

He was calling my name

"Tomu-nii" That little demon said 5 times, neh I ignored him lifting my head again to my phone, well its not like he was going to annoy me 

Never trust a baby!

Some minutes passed when i felt two little hands on my pants, I looked down only to see...


I tried to walk back 


*3 person POV*

Kurogiri then came and grabbed izuku in a hug then left with him

Tomura left the room traumatized ignoring the broken door

*Kurogiri POV*

I was preparing some food, well it was lunch time


I heard a scream coming from the other room

"Shit here we go again" I hissed walking out 

I saw a scared Tomura with Izuku on his legs, he was tryning to push him off him

I sighed as i walked to Izuku, hugged him and left with him to the other room 

*3P POV*

Kurogiri sat Izuku on a baby chair then bring Izuku some raw meat (cooked meat is unhealty to him ), Kurogiri grabbed a spoon and got some meat on it

"Fwod, Fwod!" Izuku said while clapping his hands"Yeah, food, now open your mouth! " Kurogiri responded in a calming tone 

☆☆Time Skip☆☆

*Kurogiri POV*

Izuku finished the food and I just cleaned his face and help him get off the chair 

Izuku just walked away

I grabbed some weird outfit, and just wear it. "Well is just a day" I hissed while opening a portal to a mall, it was my day 'off'(It wasnt) 

I started walking to some stores when I felt something on my back it was like a, person? I looked back a little green hair was seen

"Izuku?" I asked grabbing him from my back "Kuwro!" He said laughing, the only thing that I tought in that moment were "How the holy cow he was here?!"

I started walking away with him on my arms, then i arrived to a ice cream store 

"Izuku do you want anything?" I asked "Chocolate!" He talked back

I put Izuku down then started to talk to the caisher 

*Izuku POV*

Kuro were taking a long time requesting a Ice Cream...

I started walking away I was to bored to just wait, I followed a group of People


I saw them arrive at a store 

"Gun Store?" It looks cool 

Lol sorry for the short chapter, this was supposed to be arrived tomorrow but neh 

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