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Toga picked up Izuku and ran out, on the way she transformed into another person.
(Lol I left almost a week and left this here xd)
Toga had transformed into a person with brown hair and green eyes, she had a kimono on top. On the way Izuku was trying to escape from Toga, he was scratching her, he had his hands on his toga head tangling his hands between her hair and he was pulling some hair"argh, Izuku stay still or I'm going to let you go"Toga took Izuku's hands by force"LET ME GO!" Izuku started to tantrum (The translator doing his magic)
"Calm down and we almost arrived" Toga hugged Izuku blocking any movement he could make, several minutes later they arrived"We are already here"Izuku began again to try to free himself, when Toga entered I gave Izuku to a lady who was wearing an apron of flowers"Oh you must be the Midoriya's"
"yes it's us" Toga smiles"Then this little guy is Izuku"The lady looked at Toga" I am ***** and I will be Izuku's teacher"
"Nice to meet you, but sorry eh I have to leave I have to go to 'work' " Toga lied and left
"Well Izuku let's meet your companions" Izuku had given up ,after the teacher began to walk with Izuku in his arms, he saw an opportunity his right hand was loose, his extremely long nails were buried inside the right arm of the teacher "ARGHH"The teacher released Izuku, when he fell to the ground he began to crawl towards the door "Where are you going?" The teacher picked up Izuku, her arm already healed by her quirk" It no longer makes sense to escape"Izuku let himself be taken to a small table that had a black and white sheet and some colors"well Izuku it seems that you are not going to get along with your teammates so I will put you to color this 'A'"Izuku looked badly at the teacher"Nani!? Do you think I'm dumb? You chose this A to put color in the empty space that is in the middle of the letter, eh and so you can make me color more letters to keep me distracted? I'm not dumb, I realized your intentions!" Izuku grabbed the colored pencils by force and started coloring
(This part is going to be written by me, not using the magic of the translator, so sorry for the bad english)
"Calm down, you are going to break the sheet" The teacher gently took Izuku's arm, he only growled back at her"Okey i leave you alone"The teacher sat besides Izuku only watching how he was coloring the 'A'
A few minutes later, Izuku was finished, he grabbed the sheet and pulled it to the teacher face"Dwone"The teacher grabbed the sheet and scaned it"Good job!"She pull out a star from her apron, she stick the star on Izuku uniform jacket"Well, you actually didn't took so much time, but is time for a lunch" Izuku moved his head in curiosity"What are these idiots gonna feed me?"The teacher grabbed Izuku little hand and started walking to another table in a different room, where kids were sitting in and eating, it was all dirty because the kids started playing with the food" Ok, Izuku sit here"She patted a chair where Izuku sat, several minutes later his teacher arrived with a tray and put it in front of Izuku, so he could tell, what contained the tray was raw meat and the bottle had blood inside"It seems that they told them about my 'condition' "When the tray ended up in front of Izuku, he began to eat normally, he was almost not hungry, his interest awakened when his tray began to move, he turned and saw a child with a mocking face grabbing the tray, Izuku put force on top of the tray and kept eating. Grabbing the bottle, his tray was pulled aside by the same boy from a few minutes ago, Izuku grumpy slightly showing his fangs"A monster!" The child screamed followed by the whole room, Izuku was prepared to commit a crime. Izuku got up and bit the boy's arm "Monster your mom!" The boy burst into tears as he grabbed his arm, suddenly some started crying too" What a stupidity "Some teachers came to the classroom and picked up the children
*Izuku POV*
What stupidity, I felt and admired how the children cried, that had been easier than taking the candy from one of them, suddenly some arms touched me from behind and lifted me off the ground"******* Call Mrs. Midoriya!" The lady more horrible than having a key in her foot, she took me out of the room and took me to an office" Why did you do that!?" I started laughing" Thawts was fwun!"
"That wasn't fun, you clearly bit your classmate!" I start scolding, until someone knocked on the door" Go on!" My 'mother' came in" Oh God what happened!? "She picked me up and gave me a toy knife enough so that it would not be seen" Mrs. Midoriya, please sit down"Toga sat down"Her son here just biting his partner in the arm"The one who pretended to be my mother tried not to smile at this news, an achievement for me and a pain for the kidergarden"Oh sorry"
Toga was trying to put a worried mother face"It seems that your son has his quirk, you could go and check for it"
"Sure, im sorry for all" Toga and I leave the room, when we were far away she destranformed"Good job Izuku!"I couldn't help and laugh" You sure will be a good villain!"
" From what we can see, that's can be the case, he can be her nephew"Nezu passed some sheets"Nezu"
"She had a surname after the first one, it was Midoriya i think" All Might said"Do you think she is still using that surname for something?"
"I don't know, but if we check on people maybe we can find something"

(Fun facts)
Izuku was supposed to be a teenager
I wrote this at almost 2 am
This story was kinda inspired
Izuku was supposed to be Aizawa son
Izuku was supposed to have cat features
Afo had to have hair but I left it like a potato
Toga and Dabi were supposed to be Tomura childhood friends
Some of these ideas are dumb
My friend help me giving idiotic ideas
These chapters contains references
Writing one of these chapters take me to one day to a week

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