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Hello everyone, sorry for the inactivity I was too bored to write more °w° (the story is so cringe)
Well let's continue with the story

Toga fell on the ground being like a plasta"Eh?" Toga raised his head to see where Izuku had gone that had once been in her hands and was no longer there, also to see where she had landed.
She saw a foot in front of her, raised her head and saw a face and a body full of hands"Wait I know you from somewhere"She gets off the ground and cleans herself"You are not that boy who attacked UA before yesterday?"
"it seems that you know me, don't you?"
"You are very famous among criminals!"
"eh-" The door opened to reveal a boy with purple cracks all over his body"They told me that someone else was coming, and he never came, so they told me to come in"
"And you two who are you!?" Shigaraki was preparing to attack"Young master calm down, they are the new members of the league"Shigaraki sat down a little annoyed again, especially with Toga for having tried to take his little brother"What stupidity they seem weak" Kurogiri left next to the glass he was cleaning and prepared to stop a fight"HOW DID YOU CALL ME LITTLE HANDS!? "
"The truth is that i thought you would be more serious but you look like a 2-year-old boy" - T
Shigaraki and the burned boy were preparing their quirk while toga prepared his knife
*Izuku POV*
I came out of my trance, I was so confused, a second ago I was in the arms of that crazy-faced woman and now I'm in my room with a knife that I stole from that woman while she was taking me.I wonder what happened to mom, she is strong it is impossible for her to drop so easily
I got up and started walking to the door not without leaving the knife hidden somewhere in my room. When I left my room I went to the bar, when I entered there I found the crazy man, a man who looked like a burnt chicken and my dear brother with his arms raised and his hands being teleported through Kuro portals.
I sneeze calling for their antentions"It's that baby!" The blonde looked at me followed her were everyone in the room, then I felt some hands behind me that raised me in a hug, I turned to look and it was my brother hugging, I started playing with the hands of his arms, they look so great"And you two who are exactly?" the two asked" They are brothers so to speak, Tomura is adopted"Kuro whispered the last part"They look cute together"The crazy took out a knife and began to play with him"Ehh, here nothing has happened, you have not seen nt's that baby!" The blonde looked at me followed her were everyone in the room, then I felt some hands behind me that raised me in a hug, I turned to look and it was my brother hugging, I started playing with the hands of his arms, they look so great"And you two who are exactly?" the two asked" They are brothers so to speak, Tomura is adopted"Kuro whispered the last part"They look cute together"The crazy took out a knife and started playing with him"Ehh, here nothing has happened, you have not seen nothing"My stupid brother let me go
"But they looked so cute!" kuro, the crazy and a voice from the TV said "Papa!" Shout happily, it's my favorite person, it's not like that stupid hero who calls himself the symbol of peace "Wait is your father!?" The burnt and the crazy were surprised" Are they so dumb that they didn't know?" My brother asked"But if he is bald and does not have a drop of hair, nor does he have eyes or nose, as his son is going to be, they are not at all similar"
"Are you stupid or are you done? He can still have children."
*Time jump because yes*
The next day, Inko would have won if it weren't for the reason that she was surrounded by heroes from other countries and with quirks that she had never heard, there were even quirks to create non-existent things!
Inko was sitting at the bar, totally frustrated"Mama?" Izuku skewered his leg with the kitchen knife" Oh Izuku where did you get that?" Inko picked up Izuku and removed the knife from his hand, Izuku tried to grab it again (If you ask, AFO told Inko that Izuku was with him)
Inko took out a toy knife and put it in Izuku's hand"Play with this, it's not sharp"Inko went to the room and changed Izuku to a garden uniform"It was easy to keep you distracted"She smiled, her fangs radiating in the sunlight.
Inko went out with Izuku, and gave him his breakfast"Where do you take Izuku?" Toga asked"Oh Toga you are here!, I need you to take Izuku to the kindergarten!" Izuku hearing the last word I put away the toy knife and tried to pull his arms"You are not going anywhere"Inko I give Izuku to toga, Izuku began to shout "I HATE HWROES!"
"But there are no heroes, I think it will be for the children there"

On the other side of Japan... A reunion of heroes
"Inko acted very strange when Kamui took the baby" The humanoid rat was in Aizawa's scarf saw some papers"Do you think I could have a child?" A hero asked"It may be that I have one, but you don't have to jump to conclusions" All Might spoke "But they looked a lot a lot, too much so that it can't be some familiar" Aizawa scratched his chin"Considering the last time we fought her, she never showed interest with his brother or mother, she didn't care that they were dead"Nezu continue to pass the pages"But that kid that attacked the USJ weren't...

Her nephew?"

Lol wait for more, in like a year

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