[09] -Goodbyes

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17 years old

You, Bucky, Sammy, Jaxson and Kylie sat on the bleachers of football field as your son played as a quarterback in the state finals with his school. You were biting your nails in anticipation as the score was tied 1 to 1 with only 3 minutes left to play and you thought Bucky was about to have a heart attack next to you.

Sammy, your other 17 year old, was helping Jaxson, your 13 year old, hold up a sign with James' number and last name printed on the front and Kylie had his number painted on her cheek as she cheered for her boyfriend of over two years. You watched as he ran all over the pitch, possibly for the last time in his uniform and you wondered where the time had gone.

You had watched them grow up and despite 18 years having passed since you found out you were pregnant in the compound with Natasha by your side, you couldn't believe that it wasn't yesterday that you heard they're little heartbeats over the ultrasound speakers for the first time. Now they'd be heading off to university next fall and you weren't prepared in the slightest.

Bucky held your hand tightly as James stole the ball from the other team, everyone in the stands joining him in clenching their teeth in anticipation and the applause roared. He raced down field, surpassing every defender until it was just him and the field, a battle of speed. When James faked right, you knew he was doing the move that Bucky had taught him. They worked on it in your backyard for nearly three weeks until he finally got it and now he was about to show it off for close to 2000 people.

You watched in slow motion as he ran the ball off the ground blazing past all the obstacles and into the end zone just as the officials blew their whistles to signal the end of the game. The screams were piercing as his entire team crowded him you weren't sure if you were watching a high school league or the mens world cup with how many fans were up out of their seats cheering for your little boy.

The five of you waited outside the locker rooms for James to emerge and Bucky was talking with the boys about the game while you stared off into the distance, a dramatic flair you learned from being married to one of the biggest drama queens of your generation.

"Hey," Bucky's voice startled you as it pulled you back into your little circle.

"That's Laurence Hobbs, the football scout." Bucky whispered, gesturing over to the opposite side of the room where a tall, blonde haired man was leaning against the concrete wall.

Your mouth went dry when you realized the was waiting for someone from this locker room. It very well could have been any of the players, because they were all fantastic, but your stomach was immediately in knots when you came across the idea that it could be James that he wants to speak to. Your attention was pulled back towards the locker room door when it slammed open, revealing your son and a couple of his teammates. James was changed into some Nike sweats and his hair was wet from the showers, but he looked as happy as could be.

"You did so great, babe!" Kylie was the first to approach him. He pulled her into his chest and kissed her forehead sweetly as a silent thank you. She smiled into his shirt before pulling back, allowing him to move onto the next proud loved one in line.

Sammy was next, giving him a punch in the arm and telling him "you did okay I guess" to which he responded by pulling her into a small side hug. Then was Jaxson who sprinted into his older brothers arms, James swiftly catching him and tossing him up in the air before setting him down to go play.

Bucky stood back, waiting for his turn to congratulate the star of the night and when James approached him, you swore the look on his face was one of pure pride. You hadn't seen a look quite like it since the day the twins were born.

"I'm so proud of you bud," he said softly as he slung an arm around his shoulders and pulled James into him. You stood on the other side of Bucky, trying your hardest not to bust from how amazed you were at his performance and just him overall. They were not your babies anymore. Sammy had gotten herself a scholarship from playing volleyball last week and they were both straight a students, you couldn't be more proud of your children. Watching them as they became all you hoped for them and more.

You all began walking towards the car lot when Mr. Hobbs approached, and you knew by his determined eyes that he spotted the same talent that you and Bucky did when you enrolled him in the junior football league when he was six. He wanted him.

"Mr, Barnes? I'm Laurence Hobbs. I am a talent scout for several universities including Alabama Crimson Tide, who've had their eyes on you for quite some time," he started, reaching his hand out for James to shake. His mouth was agape as he spoke to him directly, not bothering to go through you or Bucky which was a first. "If you are interested in exploring higher education and possibly a future in football, here's my card. I'd love to sit down and talk to you about scholarships."

"Y-yes, I mean, of course, I- uh, oh my god," James started, making all of you chuckle a bit before he retreated, heading down to talk with his coach who was outside the locker room doors.

"Oh my god!" He screeched again, this time flinging his arms around Kylie's waist, spinning her around. Just how Bucky would when the twins were little

*8 months later*

You followed Bucky into the dormitory, lugging one of James' bags in your hands as Bucky looked for the right hallway to find his room. The campus was abuzz with first year students and their parents exploring the grounds and helping their kids get settled in before they were left to their own faculties for months.

James was already in his room, unpacking the first load of clothes that he'd brought up, when you and Bucky knocked on his open door. His roommate hadn't gotten there yet, so they didn't have to maneuver around another family while setting everything up.

Once everything was put away, James was walking with you back down to the car. "I'm going to miss you so much, Bubba," you whispered into his chest as you squeezed him tightly. It wasn't an understatement when you said he got Bucky's height

"Mom, I'm only 4 hours away. I'll call you every weekend," he chuckled, but hugging you back anyway. You wiped a stray tear from your cheek as you pulled back, looking into his crystal blue eyes before you fully released him so he could hug Bucky and Jaxson.

Bucky held onto him a little too long and you had to basically pry them apart with the jaws of life. Nothing compared to the father-son relationship they shared, and you knew that. Jaxson got a large bro hug at James full height allowing Jaxsons legs to dangle and he clung to his older brother. You were happy that Sammy also wanted to go there so they'd be able to keep each other in check. James also had Kylie there to keep him in check, but you had a feeling you'd be there for every home game.


This is the end!! Thank you all for reading both shifting universes and this book. I hope you all enjoyed this book series, and I hope to see you again in the near future 😏
-love Dakota

Word count: [1341]

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